With Its Help

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This chapter has mentions of robot abuse, gore images/descriptions, needles, and swearing. Readers desecration is advised.


"Well good morning" Jones turned around to look at Walter standing in his doorway, holding a bowl.

"Mornin'" Walter walked in setting the bowl on the nightstand, Jones peered inside the bowl. "Soup? Again?" Walter grabbed the chair from Jones' desk, pulled it to the bed and sat down.

"Not just any soup, minestrone soup." He groaned before turning back over facing the wall. "Well that's all we have at the moment-"


"AND all the time I have to make right now. Almost crashed the ship making this."

"Fuck you." Jones slumped up in his bed accidentally hitting his head against the wall, so he rubbed it with his left hand. "Ow."

"We also need to change your bandages." Walter, leaning off his chair, started reaching over and Jones slapped his hand out of midair.

"I'll do it."

"Okay wow, calm down sassafras." He sat back down in his chair and watched Jones struggle to peel away the bandage from his nose bridge. Getting inpatient Walter sat back up, grabbed the bandage on Jones' nose and carefully ripped it off.

"All healed by the looks of it." Jones rubbed the scar, his finger falling inwards then bouncing out like the Great Canyon on his nose.

"It feels weird." 

"Well it's going to, you had a one inch thick piece of glass stuck in your nose!" He stood up and slowly removed Jones' arm sling which kept his once dislocated arm in place. "M.A.R.C., who wasn't even fully operational yet! Had to chip it off piece by piece since it was lodged into your SKULL!" Walter yanked the sling away, folded it up and sat back down in his chair.

"First," Jones rolled his right shoulder trying to get it moving. "Ow, be careful next time with the sling."

"Sorry, and what do you mean next time-"

"Second! Who is M.A.R.C.? Third, how deep was that glass into my skull again? 'Cause I feel like it shouldn't be as deep as it feels." He rubbed his right hand over his scar.

"M.A.R.C. is a health robot I grabbed from the ship while grabbing supplies. He was pretty banged up so I had to fix him. And according to M.A.R.C it was ¾ of an inch into your skull."

"God damn..." They sat in silence for a few minutes reflecting on what had exactly happened.

"Welp." Walter slapped his knees and stood up, walking to the door. "I'm going to go into the command center and make sure everything is fine. You." He pointed at Jones. "Are finally able to leave bed."

"That doesn't mean I'm getting out of bed." Walter walked out, popping his head back into the room.

"Well you better, or else the rest of this book will be very boring if you're sitting in the ship the whole time."

"I guess." At that Walter's head disappeared from the door frame. A few minutes later Jones walked out. He walked into the bathroom. "Holy shit." What used to be a nose bridge perfectly matching his chocolate skin now stood a huge indent, covering most of his nose in a now peach color. His finger traced the canyon on his nose. Tears welled up in his eyes before shaking them away and walking out of the bathroom, starting his new walk to the command center.

"Greetings Sir Jones"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Jones kicked forward the robot in front of him causing it to fly across the hall and crash into the wall opposite of where he stood. It flipped over to its two excavator-like wheels. Its tiny white body sat atop with little light bulbs for eyes. Its tiny claw-like arms resemble something of the kids' toy grabbers. A red first aid kit hung from its back as tiny cracks in the white metal scattered and surrounded the front of his body including the red cross on his front chest. It rolled back to infront of Jones after flipping back over.

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