But the candles doing their job well.

The bear looked at kookie and hugged him tightly.

Kookie was startled by older's action. But hugged him too.

That bear boy was so happy that happy tears began to fall from his eyes

Kookie realised the others condition. So he tried to light up the mood ...

Hyung if we can't eat the dinner it will be cold. So let's enjoy our small date . Kookie said to bear boy.

The bear boy being a gentle man drags a chair for kookie. And after that he too sat on the opposite side.

Kookie served the plate and nervously waiting for the older's reaction.

After bear boy took a bite. He literally ate that food like it will be vanish into air if he left that piece .

Seeing his reaction kookie too felt happy.

He nervously asked "hyung is it good ?"

No it's not good. Said the other with cold tone.

Kookie's heart dropped at his words.

Bear boy at last couldn't't control his laugh.
He observed the change in younger's face.

So finally said the words

" This is the best dinner I had in my life
Thank you kookie" ......

After the elder's words the younger felt relieved.
He wiped his upcoming tears ..

After their dinner, the couple sit on the bench for a while.

They talked for a while. Bear boy observed sparkles in kookie ' eyes.

He wishes he could be the reason for those sparkles.

The time reaches slowly 12AM.suddenly kookie went behind the tree and took out a large box and hand over to bear boy.

Confused bear boy slowly opened the well packed box ...

Inside there are small boxes tooo.

He looked at the younger expecting answer but the younger eyed him to look himself...

He slowly unwrapped the bigger one.

It was a newly designed sport shoe.

It was a newly designed sport shoe

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