6 | Clarity

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When was the last time Imani felt such powerful emotions?

Her recollection was hazy. She then tried hard to think about how she felt. No answer came to her, so she continued walking. After entering her dark, silent home, she slipped off her shoes and walked toward the kitchen, ignoring the drywall and painting supplies beside the door.

Above the stove, a soft light flickered. Garrett cursed near the entrance just as she was about to reach for the fridge. She figured he hit something by accident and overlooked the mess.

"Back here." What was her point in inviting him in?

It didn't take her long to open the freezer door and grab the ice cream. When Garrett walked into the kitchen, Imani had a spoon and a bowl full of strawberry pieces in her hand.

He made her heart flip. That was the way it had always been. Her body responded instantly to his stare. It carried fire and ice, and Imani had no idea how to handle it. She devoured ice cream before saying something she later regretted. And there was a chance of having second thoughts about inviting him inside the house. However, she chose not to focus on that now. She leaned over the counter, enjoying that bite-sized paradise, and studied him.

It hit her then. Skeletons in closets. She wanted him, no matter what. A rollercoaster of feelings that she encountered. Insecurity. Joy. Irritated. Wanted.

Garrett's massive shadow restricted every room he entered. His black leather jacket and boots conveyed danger, but his wicked sparkle and enticing mouth were more intimidating.

Recalling the terrible things that had driven a wedge between them rushed at Imani in an instant. The memory of how she sobbed uncontrollably after he drove away flooded her head. But right now, with him standing a few inches from her, she couldn't remember how it felt.

Inviting him into her life was baffling, but she couldn't think properly as he stared at her.

Imani looked away. It drove her wild when sex with him entered her mind. She continued stuffing another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"I see things haven't changed." Garrett's low voice startled her, echoing in the otherwise quiet kitchen, and she quickly raised her head. "Ice cream with strawberries. It was your favorite treat."

She carefully ate the tasty morsel in one fluid motion. "I'm surprised you remember."

"It's important to keep in mind the things you cherish about somebody. They make the most treasured memories."

Imani put the small ice cream box on the counter and tried to calm down while her heart was beating fast. Her mind was full of a million different things, and she gripped the edge so hard that blood rushed to her knuckles.

"Brian said that you're single," he started. "Was that true?"

Okay. Even though she didn't expect him to say that, Imani couldn't help but wonder about his life when they weren't together.

Garrett didn't say anything for a moment, and then he moved toward her. Oh, no. Surely he felt her pulse's frantic throbbing or heard her heartbeat? Her mouth dried at the thought of his lips kissing her, and she was unable to tear her gaze away from him.

Why was he there in the first place? He looked like he might touch her. Give her a passionate kiss? Would she let him?

Garrett stood just an inch or two away when he came upon her. Imani closed her eyes tightly to hide how much she wanted him. She surrendered to him in her heart before he did anything.

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