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My tutor

Top seungmin
Bottom lee know

I just love bottom lee know he is just soo cuter

I just love bottom lee know he is just soo cuter

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Tell me why he is soo handsome

Tell me why he is soo handsome

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Aww my cutie pie lee know

"Lee know this must be the last time you get lower marks is physics, you get it?" Lee knows mother ask... Lee know is very brilliant student but he only has one weakness physics.. He doesn't know why he is so bad at it.. *I am too*... "Yes mother" said Lee know looking down in floor with disappointed almost crying...

Mother sighs and says " look at me lino"... Lino looks at her with his almost dripping tears.. "Oh my baby I didn't mean to scare you it's just like this you won't be able to achieve your goal if you keep get backed at 1 subject" mom said..

"I know mother but I don't know either why I'm so bad at this" Lino cries as his mother hugs him and pats his head... "Maybe you should get tutored by your older sister" mom suggested

"Whatt noo she is so mean she will scold me if I get answers wrong" lino whined.. "That's it your sister will tutor you" mom said with serious voice and left...

Next day✨

"Lino come to my room after breakfast I'll teach you" Lino's sister Lee jieun said.. *Yess it's iu* *I think they would be so cute siblings*... He just replied with umm...

After breakfast lino went in iu's room sat in chair beside her and she started explaining to theory to him about why and who... "What is this again" lino asked pointing at a question.. "AHHH I explained that theory 5 times to you why are you so slow to get it" iu's screamed as she pulled her own hair...

"You are just bad at teaching me" lino said... "What did you said" iu said as they ran across the room fighting and running.. "STOP" their mom said "ughh what should I do with you two" mom said..

"Mom he is really dumb I think he should go to elementary school" iu said... "No she is just so bad at tutoring" lino said... "Lino go to your room I'll discuss with her" mom said as she shooed lino to his room...

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