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It was 4:30 at afternoon... When seungmin was talking with his mom cuz he felt so lonely... When suddenly he saw the person he had been waiting from yesterday...

"Who are you I don't know you" seungmin acted jokingly... "I'm sorry I got late I didn't got the bus and had to walk alot"minho said with sigh... They went inside seungmin's room... Minho took something out from his bag..

It was some chocolates he knew seungmin is a sweet tooth and his favorite was dairy milk so he brought that and some other foods to eat... They ate it minho was being special clingy this time whereas older don't really act this way in normal days...

Seungmin thought some thing odd.. "Why you being so clingy today" he asked.. "Cuz I realized something" minho replied... "And what did you realize" younger asked... "When I couldn't talk with you whole day cuz there was not any net there nor I had sim card. I realized you play really important role in my life.. I couldn't do anything properly there... So I came here without telling you cuz I wanted to surprise you but I was pulled there for little more time and I didn't got bus"older explained still not leaving younger from hug...

"It's good that you missed me" seungmin replied... It was almost 5:30 so older had to leave now... Seungmin was kinda sad it was so less time he spent with older... But tomorrow is new year...he made a plan to go out with his friend group but he doesn't want to go cuz.. He felt uncomfortable going in forest... So he rejected... He also wanted to spend his alone time with his lover...
His friends we're really angry at him... They even ignored him...

But new year was fine cuz minho came to visit him and stayed with him for long time.. His mom prepared a lot of food to eat... And day went really good just they fought a little cuz minho misunderstood the text seungmin sent to his sister by saying love you... And ignored younger and his approach that made him cry but minho also cried cuz he thought younger was in love with other girl... After lot of time older finally told why he was mad and seungmin told him it was just his sister who is living in foreign that's why he never saw...

That's all happened...

Ending not so special..

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