chapter one Armani

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Sob sob....
Armani bawled her eyes out at the park she couldn't believe wat just happened in the past one hour she was chased out of the house by her own stepmother and stepsister and that wasn't the painful part at all it was the fact that her father stood there and watched them abuse her.

She was heartbroken her life has been a mess ever since her mother died. They use to be a happy family until her mother came down with a heart disease and died later on . Her father couldn't bear the loss and went off drinking and gambling and forgetting all about her. she was just 16 at that time and she needed him, they needed each other but he didn't care anymore.

Then one night her father brought back a woman Mrs gold and introduced her as his new wife and behind them was a girl the same age as her lily was her name.she nodded not knowing wat to say thinking it was for the best but faith had other plans. her life became a living hell from there onward they verbally abused her and maltreated her the mother and daughter duo were just evil and her father who was supposed to stop it supported them  showering all his love towards them and ignoring her.

The only good thing her father did for her was paying her school fees probably because he doesn't want an illiterate daughter and she was grateful for it.
She works as a part timer in a cafe to make  money for her other needs.

Armani continued sobbing maybe it's for the best they kicked her out, five years in that house was full of torture and hate it's better she is no longer there but where would she go now. There was only one thing to do so she did just dat.

Hey bestie Gabrielle shouted through the phone
G.a.b Armani chocked,wats wrong Ary are u okay Gabrielle asked when she heard her best friend incoherent words.
Can u come pick me up Armani cried out.
Oh my God are u crying tell me where u are Gabrielle rushed out while grabbing her at the park near my house hurry pls.i will be there in fifteen just hang on Gabrielle said and zoomed off her driveway.

Armani sat there solemnly in sorrows tnk God it was a weekday there was not too many people so no one really noticed her crying her eyes out.
A car pulled up and Gabrielle sprint out of the car glancing around and stopped on seeing her bestie in a corner her hair was messy a suitcase stood beside her and she looked lost her heart broke on seeing her like this it was only that useless family of hers that can do this.

Armani smiled on seeing her best friend her ride or die she stood up and rushed towards her engulfing her in a hug as new tears streamed down her face like a broken dam she couldn't keep it in anymore.

Gabrielle didn't say anything and just hugged her back and Armani was grateful for it when she felt she has calmed down,she led them to a bench and they sat down. Wat have they done to my sweetheart Gab asked her softly. I was kicked out Gab and now I don't know where to go.

Gab was furious when she heard this how dare they,have they finally lost it wat kind of human beings are they Gab seethed.she turned to Armani and eyed her, and wat do u mean by u don't have anywhere to go  when am here common let's go ur staying with me from now on. I have always waited for this day but for some reason they refused to let u go good thing they kicked u out u deserve so much better.

Armani took a deep breath when she heard Gab she stared at her and said I don't want to impose u.
Gab laughed and replied typical Armani always the angel. U are not imposing on me ary wat are best friends for u will totally do the same for me if I were in ur shoes and it get lonely staying alone in that apartment so cheer up and let's go.
Armani smiled and stood up to follow her she has no other option anyway. Her father wasn't wealthy but he was rich enough but Gab family was another level they were wealthy. they met at a function and since then they became the best of friends which explains y she drives a fiery red porshe and stays in a huge apartment alone. Gab was a beautiful blonde with killer looks and model physique which is y she models and she loves travelling and sightseeing and she is overly obsessed with fashion she always dress to kill,on this thought her eyes travelled through Gab outfit of the day she wore a creamed baggy cargo pants a white long sleeved cropped top, a white bag  white sneakers and she has a soft makeup on and her hair was let down in waves. as usual she looks awesome it was screaming casual and luxury.

 as usual she looks awesome it was screaming casual and luxury

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the outfit🤭🤭💯

She was also a fashion person and she dresses to kill, just because she was maltreated doesn't mean she will look lost  and hopeless she makes sure she was always in line with trends,the cafe she works in wasn't a small one it was actually a five star cafe so the pay is pretty high she she could afford decent wears. She looks messy  now because everything happened so unexpectedly so she didn't have time to dress up properly so currently she was looking like a lost puppy.


Armani startled at hearing her name she looked at Gab who looked at her with a weird gaze. wat u thinking let's go she pointed towards the car and they both entered and zoomed off.

Hey guys so this is the first chapter it may bee boring but I promise it will get better soon💯💯💯
My male lead in the next Chapter can't wait 😁😁😁😁

Don't forget to like and comment sweets🤗🤗

The Mafia's Obsession Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora