The heart-shattering past

Start from the beginning

"Listen to me Marvin, I do not forget anything nor will I forget it, I remember that time we waited patiently for midnight to come and it eventually came. But immediately the ceremony started to crown me as the Isnamerman but..." Marvin couldn't continue so Dylan took over. "But we heard the sound of cars parked outside, we all were shocked as to how humans knew about this place since it is deep in the forest. Before we knew it, several men entered with guns in their hands and they were fully armed before we could do anything I heard gunshots. As a scared merman then, I ran to the back of the pillar and he there shaking non-stop" Dylan added.

"You remained hidden there while Father and the rest attacked them. But they were normal mermaids and mermen then since father had relinquished his powers and the gem so I could be crowned. I looked up and saw our younger sister got shot right in front of my eyes, I couldn't do anything since I was helpless. I was filled with rage and ran towards the altar where the sacred water was placed as time was running out, I wanted to get the Isnamerman's power to kill them all but four of the men caught me and pinned me to the floor. I looked around and saw the dead bodies of our aunts, uncles, sisters, and friends on the floor with their drops of blood flowing down to my face...." Marvin couldn't hold it more as hot tears prickled down his cheeks, he fell to his knees instantly.

Dylan opened his mouth "I saw you pinned down and the dead bodies I saw made me shiver especially my sister's own. I freaked out instead of helping out, till today I blame myself because I have always had the perception that I don't want anything to do with royalty........ Mother came running to me as she pulled me along beside her and offered me to drink the sacred water. she wanted me to drink the water before time ran out so another lineage would not take the title if the auspicious time ran out. I was scared as I pushed her away but she managed to save the water from pouring down........ She pulled me towards her and poured the water into my mouth and I was only able to take a little but Mother poured the water on me and right then the life I never wanted fell on me. I turned the Isnamerman and I transformed as well, my color my behavior everything about me changed that moment......... Then I killed them all...I" Dylan looked at Dipsi who was also crying beside him.

"You killed them all and managed to save me, father, and mother from being killed. You were so angry that you made a vow never to step into this mansion again until you are called which I did today" Marvin said. " sorry about that. That story is so heartbreaking" Dipsi added.

"And that is not the end of the story," Dylan said. "What! how come?" Dipsi asked. "Yes, that is not the end. By the time we changed our performance and reached Lemuria, there was already bloodshed merfolk had been killed and we could see light from afar above us. We swam closer to witness the most bloodshed war I have ever witnessed myself. Sooner than later, On the cold surface of the sea, the moon itself shone red. It reflected a world below it in which a war between the merfolk and humans was raged" Marvin said.

"It took no time before Marvin and I with father and mother also joined in the fight. The sounds of killing and the flashes of blades from the humans could be heard and the only thing we were able to rely on was our power thanks to the full moon night.......... After the bloody war ended, we couldn't see Father's life since his life had been taken. I was fuming with revenge but my mother held me back so I was able to calm down after meditating for five good years in secrecy....... I later came out but I was feeling better since I moved on but couldn't forget my past but since I was not remembered by anyone........ But one day, the truth ate me up again and I wanted the revenge badly. Mother refused vehemently again and I was shocked because of that until one day she came and said I could avenge father's death and acquire the three pearls I would need to become the great ruler...... So I agreed to come since it is what I always wanted before, on getting here we suspected that some of our merfolk were working with these anonymous men. Flora finally told us that the country's traitors and my father's death are linked up so they are the ones that attacked us that night and massacred our plan" Dylan explained.

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