The end

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Dedicated to
@0545501967nightmare whose request made me push through my procrastination.

Warning:mention of diapers lightly in a conversation.


To Babyboy:I'm calling you and you are busy ignoring me. Why?

I tossed my phone on the couch and continued to wrap the huge box on the table.

From Babyboy: it's clear that I'm ignoring so please, stop trying.

To: why don't I come over and you tell me that while looking straight into my eyes? I bet you can't.

From; I don't need to prove that to you.

To; I'm calling you.

I dial his number the first time. He does not pick up.

To; pick up

I dialed his number again. He picks up after the fourth ring.

"Hello there,"

"I asked you not to call me."

"It's your phone,you have the power to not pick up."

I heard him grunting from the other side.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I want nothing to do with you. Is that enough reason for you?"

"No. That is why we are going out for breakfast. You will explain everything to me."

"No ."

"Do you prefer me picking you up or...forget it. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"You don't know my place." She grumbled.

"You bet I don't and I won't ask you because you'll never tell. Bye darling. See you in half an hour."

I hung up and quickly called Ombra before he dialled her number.

"What a coincident. I was thinking about you."

"Wow. Okay,great! Can I have the address to my boys place?"

"You already address him as yours. I love how you believe in your capabilities."

"Thank you. Thank you." I finished wrapping the box.

"He is not at his place."


"Well, then where is he?"

"At the club. He slept there. I was to call you about him."

I stopped moving around."Is he okay?"

"Not so well."

"He is sick?!" I yelled and cleared my throat immediately. "Sorry, I was not yelling at you.'

"I know. Jake got himself a sub. He out her under a contract. A SIX MONTH contract!"

I did not know which part of the whole information shocked me the most.

"Hello!" She screamed. "You still there?"

"Um...yeah. yeah."

"I'm as shocked as you are."

"Why? What is he running away from?"

"Hey Ombra, I'll call you later. I need to get to someone."

"I'm rooting for you. Don't fail me!"

"Bye." I hung up.

A contract. A six-month contract.

I picked up my keys, carried the box, and rushed out.

We had a lot to talk about.

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