New person.

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Half of my day was spent with the submissive classes. The other half was spent going through records and meeting up with a few people.

By the time I was arriving at the club at ten pm,I was too tired to participate in anything huge.

It was a busy night. The club was filled as usual. I sat at the counter by the bar. Ombra saw me and smiled making her way towards me.

"Didn't think you'd make it." She placed a shot infront of me.

"I never fail to do so." Whatever the cause I always made sure I dropped by at the club. Even if it was for half an hour. My presence had to be there on a daily basis.

I tugged down the drink at a go. She smiled and offered me another one.

" I'll go help out. We're short today." She left before I got the chance of asking her how that was possible.

I always made sure that we were never understaffed. I'll ask her about it later.

I order another drink. After around seven shots I turned to look at the people in the room.

I did not know everyone by their names but I was quite familiar with their faces. Sure we'd have new people now and then but they were usually accompanied by people they knew. I knew those people.

My eyes scanned the room and landed on one particular face. Except for him. He was new and unaccompanied.


Perhaps a person exploring. Or maybe he just wants a place to be himself.

His eyes met with mine and held. I smiled lightly so as to not scare the poor guy away.

He had to feel safe under this placement.

I turned back to get another drink.

"An eighth one?" The voice asked from behind me.

I held onto the glass but didn't drink. I make a ninety degree turn and that is when I came face to face with him.

The new person.

"Hello." I greeted with a smile.

"To you too. " he replied going round and taking a seat beside me.

I faced the front. We were close but not touching.

I scratched the back of my neck.

"Nervous?" He enquired.

"Huh?" I turned to him with a frown.

He chuckled a little bit. "I see you zoned out over there." His voice was like dripping honey.

Lucky I did not like honey that much. If not for that then I would have been ready to get drunk from just listening to him.

"Sorry. You're new here?" I asked and waited.

Waited to see if he would lie or tell the truth.

"You're the boss I'm pretty sure you've noticed that already." He remarked softly.

"You're right." I finished my drink.

"Don't you think that's too much for a night?"

"I am not playing tonight. Also I need to let loose. It's been a long day."

"I see." He nodded.

I was starting to get restless. More like jittery. I placed my elbow on the counter and supported my head in my hands.My feet dangled in the air.

"You okay?" He asked leaning in.

"Yeah..." I answered in a dreamy voice.

I'm not sure I was aware of my sorrounding at the moment. Everything was just fuzzy and I knew it was not because of the drinks.

Eight shots was not enough to get me tipsy let alone drunk.

"Hey." He lightly placed a hand on my shoulders.

I was startled and quickly jumped up.

"I'm sorry." He apologized quickly retrieving his hand.

"Oh no. It's okay."

"I'm Kevin. Kevin Griffin." He introduced himself.

"Kevin Griffin..." I repeated almost quietly.

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