To stimulate you

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He had ran out on me in fear that I'd judge. That was wrong. I was not supposed to make him feel that way. He was not to try and hide his parts from me. I would embrace them all. I was ready for that.

"Thank you for the date and I'm sorry I ran out like that." Those were his first statement after not picking up my calls for the entire night.

"Only that?"

"And I'm sorry I ignored you up until now."

"Thank you for apologizing. Why did you run..." I trail off.

If I picked up on that conversation,he was definitely going to hung up on me.

"Can we..."

No. If I ask for another date,his answer would be a negation.

"Can you help me with something?"

Yes. He seemed like a man who loved feeling useful. Asking for his assistance was the right way to go.

"With what?" He sounded surprised.

"My sister announced her pregnancy. She's almost delivering and I would like to pick some things for her."

My statement was followed by a long moment of silence. I checked my phone to see if he hand hung up. Nope. He was still there.

"I'm the only child and I've never been invited to where babies come from." I laughed at his tone.

He was serious. I could tell he was. But the way he said it made it sound funny. I did not have it in me not to laugh.

"Ombra could come with us."

Perhaps he would feel more secure with her presence.

"I'm not sure if she will agree..."

"Sorry to cut you off but I already asked her. She said yes with an exclamation mark." I laugh because she had literally said it like that.

She also urged me to make sure I dated  him but there was no need for him to know that.

"Umm..." I could sense his hesitation. "Okay." He finally breathed out.

"Thank you. I'll pick you up at five in the evening." I hung up after he had agreed.

I looked at my watch.

Thirty minutes to go. I should have given him more time.

I ran a quick bath and changed into oxford shirts, a black sweater and a jacket on top. I put on my denim and finally the shoes. Not to forget the watch. It was a gift from my mom and I've worn it since I was sixteen.

Let's go get my man for our second date.

~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~

This time it was Ombra who opened. She seemed blissful and ready to go. She was dressed in sweatpants and an oversized tee. Her hair was held up in a messy bun.

"I'm not coming from a light nap. I just can't dress up if I'm not going for work or a meeting. Which I don't so..."

"You look beautiful." I spoke before she went on and on. The comment wasn't meant to stop her rambling because I meant it. She rocked those sweats and the messy bun. She'll make a cool aunt once we get there.

She pretended to tuck her hair behind her ears. "Always do my friend. Always do."

I chuckle but my attention shifted further behind her.

"Don't worry. He'll be here in no time." She said noticing my action.

She had invited me in but I had politely refused.

"Wait here." She left the door open and headed back inside.

"No...we...are...going..." He struggled to make his words while pulling Jake towards the door.

Once he spotted me he quickly stood his stance. He straightened his clothes which mind you were not creased.

He let out a nervous smile and stepped forward. "I didn't see you there."

"Of course you didn't. You look amazing."

And he did in his casual-official look.

"Let's go love birds." Ombra called leaving the house.

Jake grumbled but walked out nevertheless. I shook my head and followed him.

~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~

The mall on the children's side was not fully packed. The people strolling around were mostly women.

One woman commented on how Ombra and I made a good couple. I corrected her and said Jake was my partner. He didn't frown about it so I took that as a good sign. Ombra complained about how I hated her and did not want to be seen in public with her. We all laughed it off.

I could still sense the tension Jake harboured. He really needed to let go.

"Are you going to the club tonight?' I initiated the conversation to get his mind from what I knew he was thinking about.

"Of course! He never misses a day." Ombra blurted.

We had picked a few diapers and wipes. Now we were at the toys section. I deliberately came to this end for his sake.

His eyes scanned the toys resting on each one of them. Carefully scanning them.

"Why does it seem like you love these toys more than that unborn baby?" Ombra commented.

"Oh." Jake mumbled trying to hide his embarrassment.

I wanted to hit the back of her head. Or maybe ask her to zip it but that would raise suspicions.

"Let's go get some books." I turned the trolley to the other side.

"You want to buy books for a child that not even born? I mean,it's great to think that he'll be smart and all that but isn't it a lil bit too early?"

"No silly. It's for the other child in grade one."


We went over to the stationery section.

"Let me get some ice cream before it escapes my mind." Ombra left us.

I stepped back and observed my boy. He was already my boy. Only that he did not know it yet.

His fingers traced the crayons and coloring books. His eyes grazed over the other materials.

"You like them." I said as a statement rather than a question.

"What?" He turned to me. "No. I'm...I'm looking for something for that child..."

"Mia. Her name is Mia." I offered.

"Yes. Something for Mia."

"You know you don't have to do it."

"Do what?" His eyes looked everywhere but at my face.

"Pretend. You don't have to pretend with me. Not now. Not ever." His eyes met mine for a second before those perfect sea blue eyes shifted to the floor.

"What are you trying to do?" His voice was now stern.

Ah. His dominant voice. Cute.

"I feel like you're far too happy right now and I want that for you. I want you to be happy."

He took a long breath and let it out. His shoulders rolled back. He was getting defensive.

"Did you lie to me about your sister being pregnant?" His eyes locked with mine this time.

"Not at all. I would never lie to you."

"Then apart from picking her things, why else did you bring me here?"

"To stimulate you." I replied in all honesty.

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