Black Army reacts to Goth!MC (Ikemen Revolution)

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Warning: crack fic, fluff, short

Ray Blackwell:

When you showed up after following Blanc through the rabbit whole, he wondered why you were wearing such dark colors (and makeup if you use any). When he just saw you talking about going to haunted places he's just *pikachu face*. He admires your boldness and sassyness towards everyone. He was wheezing along with Seth when you sassed Sirius back for calling you 'little lady'. Sirius about to beat their ass with a shoe.

Sirius Oswald:

Sirius honestly thought you were a new recruit or something with all the dark colors but no. When you told him you were goth he just smiled and patted you head while saying "Whatever you say, little lady.". Cue you almost hitting him in the balls. He thinks you are an adorable, feral, dark, gremlin that's out to get him.

Fenrir Godspeed:

Chaos! He loves the attitude and the clothes (litrally had you made a black army uniform that fits your style!). He also made Oliver make you a gun because why not. He is your CHEERLEADER when you tell someone off (cough Oliver cough). He also convinced you to do his makeup like yours (if you want any). Seth, Fenrir, and you doing each other's makeup (Luka and Ray almost joined but Sirius said no).

Luka Clemence:

Emo buddies! You both have very dark clothing but the only difference being is that you are sassy and he is soft boi. You helped him with his hair and kinda painted his nails (everyone else begged you too but Sirius said no no). You are his guardian. Jonah: *enters room*


You love Luka, that's just it.

Seth Hyde:

Cue girly squealing. He loves your hair, your sense of style, and your makeup (if you have any)!

He does your hair in the morning and he helps with your makeup. You gave him some eyeliner and made him a gorgeous wing. He loves and supports you sassyness! He was wheezing when you sassed Sirius back. You're the secret Black Army weapon against the Red Army (specifiaclly against Jonah and Lance).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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