MC wearing a maid outfit (Ikemen Revolution)

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Warning: Fluff, mild flirting, suggestive content, CRINGE bc this is 2 years old or smth

Note: Will probably remake it soon at some point :/


* oh boy

* He is wide eyed, but soon the expression turns to a straight face

* "Only a child would wear a dress with kittys"

* [You make me sick (with love)]

* You glare at his remark and give him a taste of his own medicine

* "Only a shorty would wear a top hat to make himself taller."

* (Good job you riled him up) now that you winged him up there is NO mercy

* At night when he is his 6.0 foot tall Version again he grabs you with his iron grip, pinning you to the wall, your chest against the the cream colored wallpaper whispering "you are a very naughty girl"

* (Call 9 1 1 my heart melted off)


* (So sweet)

* He gives you the most sincere compliments making you flush and flustered

* He LOVES he gives you the cutest compliments like "were you trying to sneak a 'thank you' kiss? Oh my- your cheeks are looking as fresh as a rose- how cute"

* Sneaky bunny man

* He asks were you got that dress you just replied that you made it

* He then tells you got the most graceful talent than any woman he came across.

* (I am dead 💀)

Bonus (because I am so nice :D)!


* Immediately blushes after 1 look

* "N-nice dress MC"

* "Thanks! I found it and I thought is was cute!"

* You weren't wrong in his eyes

* He can't make direct eye contact with you until you stop looking cute in the dress

* Aka he LOveS it

* He can't control himself when he's around already, so what makes you think he gonna be calm after he sees you

* Might as well a bag to breathe in

* (Help this sad boi)

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