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Minho's POV:

I let out a loud sigh as I sifted through the paperwork on my desk. I don't understand why Dad assigned me to be in charge of the military, I would've done literally anything else. I think he just wants me to be miserable.

"Shouldn't this be Soobin's job?! He's the heir to the throne after all, so why do I have to do this?!" I yelled at Chan who was comfortably chilling on a chair.

Chan rolled his eyes, "Stop being so selfish. You know your brother is busy with other affairs."

"YEAH LIKE VACATIONING EVERY TWO FUCKING DAYS!" I slam my hand down on the desk. Soobin is always out doing something with other kingdoms and I know it's an important job but that doesn't make me feel any better.

Chan gave me a pointed glare, "You and I both know that's not what he does."



As the day rolled by I continued to become angrier at the work I was forced to do. I used to manage the administration of the town and I loved it because I was close to the people I was ruling over and it was relatively easy. But after I messed up ONE thing and caused a couple businesses in the town to go bankrupt, my dad reassigned me to the military since I'm apparently good at it.

Of course I would never admit out loud but strategy and organizing people are my main strengths so making me in charge of the military makes sense. Also considering that some of the kingdoms around us are much stronger and silently threaten our home I should be the best option. But that doesn't mean I like it. It's a bit boring.

As my personal bodyguard, Chan really helps me with my piles upon piles of work. I know he's being paid to do it but it's still helpful. Just as I was about to suggest a break, a soft knock on the door interrupts me. The stress immediately vanishes from my face as a small head pokes through the doorframe.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Kayla smiles and I gesture her to come in. Out of the corner of my eye I see Chan roll his eyes. Of all the things he supports me on, my relationship with Kayla is not one of them.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," Chan dismissively waves and walks out the door. I just brush off his attitude as being tired from working all day. I cast those thoughts aside as I make eye contact with Kayla again.

"How are you doing?" I ask with a blank face while neatly stacking and putting away my papers. Kayla giggles and sits down on one of the random seats in my office.

"I'm doing well. Just wanted to check on you since I haven't seen you since this morning," She says sweetly. 

"Oh. Well I'm okay," I give her a short answer. I'm really not in the mood to talk to her right now. Don't get me wrong, she's great and I like her a lot, but I always feel like there's something missing between us. 

"That's no way to answer your fiancé," She does a dramatic hair flip while laughing. Oh and there's also that, we're getting married. Even Soobin had to get married at 18 so I can't be complaining, but I still think it's way too early. Kayla is a princess from one of our surrounding kingdoms so when my dad figured out that we were writing to each other he immediately set up a marriage contract. It was a convenient choice since she is from a very powerful neighboring kingdom that we definitely don't need a war with.

I distinctly remember the day we met. She ran into me in the hallway while I was visiting her kingdom for some meeting and fell to the ground. I didn't help her up but apparently she found that funny and started talking to me. Kayla had to leave shortly after but she suggested that we continued to write to each other. At the time I only agreed because she was tolerable unlike most royals I meet these days. We slowly became better friends over the months and now we have a marriage contract courtesy of my dad. At least I'm not marrying some horrible person. Kayla is nice.

"I can answer you however I want," I frown as I can't seem to find a particular paper. I hear her scoff but I pay her no mind as I frantically search my desk. I mumble curses under my breath as that is a rather important piece of paper. I breathe out a sigh of relief and internally smile when I see it on the floor, thank the gods I found it.

I see Kayla open her mouth to say something back to me but luckily she is interrupted by the door slamming open. I snap my gaze up to meet the two annoyances. Seungmin and Jeongin walk calmly into the room like they didn't almost break my door open. I roll my eyes at their antics.

"What do you want?" I ask. I see Kayla wave at them but my two brothers blatantly ignore her. I don't understand what their problem is with her. Even Chan doesn't like her, and he likes everyone.

"Dad wanted us to tell you that you have to eat dinner with us today. And I know you probably don't want to go but I don't care. We wi-" Seungmin started to say before being cut off.

"We will literally drag you there. Don't cross me!" Jeongin finished.

"You couldn't pick me up if you tried," I challenge him with a mischievous glint in my eye.

"You know what, if you die, I don't care," Seungmin crossed his arms and turned to leave before being dragged back into the room by Jeongin.

"Oh come on! You care about him, weren't you just saying that he should be eati-" Jeongin was cut off by Seungmin tackling him to the floor and covering his mouth.

"I told you not to say that!" Seungmin watched in horror as Jeongin just kept on laughing, not fazed at all.

"Okay okay! I'll go," I reluctantly agreed. I always hated family dinners because they were so suffocating. It's like everything I did was being judged by my parents, mostly my mother. I wasn't surprised when the two didn't stop fighting. I stood up and grabbed Jeongin by the leg and dragged him off of Seungmin. If I don't separate them then Seungmin would probably beat Jeongin to pulp, that boy is surprisingly strong.

"I already said that I'll go," I said as I separated the two. Luckily Seungmin walked out of my office before things could escalate again. I shook my head and chuckled, "You two are something else."

"Ummm should we go now?" Kayla asked. I flinched back in surprise, I forgot she was there. Instead of responding I just nodded and walked out of the office with both Kayla and Jeongin behind me.

I'm going to this family dinner off my own accord because usually I would never do this. I just want to see the proud smile my mom gives me when she sees me walk through that door with Kayla. Because for once in my life she's proud, and Kayla is the key.


Thanks for reading! Have a nice day/night!

*Alex <3*

Word Count: 1,226

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