turn to me when everything goes wrong.

Start from the beginning

seungmin's sobs died down and turned into occasional sniffs, that's when minho pulled him away slightly, in an attempt to look at his face.

"baby? go freshen up okay? i'll wait for you in the bed. " he said softly, wiping the remnants of the tears away from his face, but seungmin shook his head vigorously, clinging on tighter to minho feeling too drained to utter a word.

"okay, okay. you want me to help you? nod your head if you want, honey. you don't have to say or do anything. i'll do it for you. "

seungmin nodded faintly, feeling himself lifted gently by minho, who cradled him as they headed toward the bathroom.

just like that, he was taken care of. minho helped seungmin wash his face, brush his teeth (which he takes so much care of), helped him change into a cleaner pair of pyjamas and finally have a glass of water. a seamless display of care and concern that spoke volumes without needing a single word. seungmin felt like a baby being taken care of, he liked it. which was so unlike him, atleast he thought so. seungmin was always the type of person who was calm and collected, the one who always liked to have things his way, yet with minho,  he felt free to let his guard down, embracing a truer version of himself, unfiltered and genuine. minho allowed seungmin to embrace vulnerability in its purest form.

seungmin didn't even realise when they were already in bed, him being squished into minho's chest as the older held him soft yet firm.

''seungmin-ah... you wanna talk about it?'' minho whispered in the dark walls of the room. seungmin shook his head quietly. 

it was not that he didn't wanna talk about it. he would love to honestly. but it was scary.

opening up was scary. 

in his life, there had been only once when he felt as if he truly opened up to someone. it happened two years prior, during high school. he found himself in tears after failing a physics test, and his physics professor caught sight of his distress.

that day, seungmin lingered at school for three hours, confiding in his professor about his emotions while they delved into preparations for the next test. it was an episode where walls were briefly lowered, revealing a side of seungmin the world was yet to see.

so it was safe to say, seungmin found it hard to open up, and minho was okay with that. there were a lot of things they had to work on in their relationship, and crushing seungmin's insecurities was one of them. 

''that's okay, baby. but remember, if you ever want to talk to someone about anything in the world, you'll always have me. yeah?'' minho reassured him.

seungmin wanted to look up, face his boyfriend and tell him about everything, everything that happened in the past few days because he knew how much minho loved to hear him. 

but he was afraid, afraid that he would be met with disappointment. so when he finally gathered up the courage and faced the older, his eyes instantly watered again.

instead of disappointment, minho looked at him with kind eyes and a fond smile on his face immediately formed as seungmin met his eyes. 

''hey, baby...''

seungmin's lip jutted out, forming into a pout as he tried to conceal his emotions. minho was too kind, too accepting, too caring, too loving. seungmin felt as if he did not deserve him at all. the paradox of minho's unconditional love made seungmin feel both cherished and unworthy simultaneously. 

''hyung, i love you. '' seungmin whispered before bursting into a sob again. 

minho chuckled fondly before cradling the younger is his arms again. ''come here, you crybaby.''

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