Ep:3(For You)

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"Found ya!" I heard Floch saying standing behind me.

I got startled.I turned around "I didn't notice you" I said.

"Got scared eh!what are you doing here all alone?" He asked.

"Nothing,just wanted to be alone maybe." I said.

He is still wearing that green long coat we were wearing at our ceremony.The difference is that he was so tidied up then and now one sleeve of his coat is loosely hanging off his shoulder.And his hair is messy too.

His brown eyes are looking so heavy and sleepy.

We are standing at a garden area outside the Royal castle. We are guest here for tonight. It's night time now so all the garden lights are glowing except this area where I came to sit on a bench all alone.There is a large water canal here ,more like a river we saw during our expedition outside the Wall.

I wanted to be alone for sometimes. Because I was feeling so tired after all the ceremony kind of stuffs.

"May I stay here with you for a while?" Floch said with a whining tone.He can be quite adorable sometimes.

"Fine" I replied in short.

We are both standing there in silence, watching the water flowing in the canal with loud noise.The environment is filled with a familiar sandal perfume ofcourse coming from Floch.He always smells like fresh sandalwood which is mixed with a little amount of alcohol for now.

"Are you drunk?" I asked.

"Ah.. no I just drank a little bit.I was sleeping all day. That's why I look like this..if you talking about this.."He said while brushing his hair with his fingers.

"Haha..No .. it's okay" I chuckled.

He didn't say anything,His eyes are fixed on that  flowing water again, Looking like he is in deep thoughts.

I heard him let out a sigh.

"Do you know how does it feel to see your death right before your eyes.And forced to do suicidal charge when you want to live.." his eyes are ice cold still on the water.

"I really don't know ..but I am glad you came back" I said softly .

"I see" he said with a grin.This is quite rare of him.

"Can you guess what was on my mind when I was running on my horse towards that beast?" He spoke again.

I shook my head then he looked directly in my eyes with sharp gaze and said "you!I was thinking about you."

It felt like everything went silent around me ,even the loud splashing sound of water.I can even listen to my heartbeat which is louder than ever.

Then he said "I wanted to see you again ,and wanted to talk to you again and argue with you over silly reasons once again." He said all of this without pausing once like an intoxicated.His voice is so deep,deeper than ever.

"I've always spoken the truth,did what I wanted to do ..I had no regrets..but that time I thought..if only I've spent more times with you,if only I've told you that you are special to me." He sighed.

Tears started to form in my eyes.I looked away to prevent it. It's Floch ! He is saying all of this!

"Maybe the God ,if there's any, granted my wish." This time he whispered.

He paused for a moment then he held my wrist tightly and pulled me closer to him "I don't know  how long till the enemies beyond the sea will destroy everything.But until then,can you .. please ..be mine?"

A gentle breeze blew around us and his hair fluttered with it.He is still gripping my hand by my wrist closer to his chest,brown eyes are on me , waiting for my response.

I slowly spoke "Floch..That time I was worried about you too.I was continuously thinking if you are okay on the other side of the Wall..I didn't want to lose you either so I could see you again."

Floch let out a sigh of relief and came closer and touched his forehead with mine,and closed his eyes .Like he is resting after a long tiring journey.

I am not done talking yet.I spoke again "Moments I've shared with you are the most precious moments of my life.I would be glad if I get more if those precious times."

Floch chuckled softly.His hairs are flickering over my forehead .His warm breaths are fanning over my face.His face is so close to mine but I felt like he isn't close enough.He tucked my hair strands behind my ear which were playing around with the soft evening breeze and
narrowed the gap between us by grabbing me by my waist and press his lips on mine forming a gentle peck.I never knew I needed that this much.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly like he won't let me go forever."I love you, let's be together until death separates us." He whispered in my ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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