Ep:1 (Return to Shiganshina)

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"You should be dead and commander Erwin should be standing in your place" I heard him say that to Armin.

Rest of us are dead silent hearing that.

"I know why are you alive and not him.It's because Eren and Mikasa let their emotions take control over them and both acted childish without listening to any reasons.They acted like the syringe is their property and wasted it"

Armin is standing in his place like a statue.Eren is loosing his temper.

I put my hand on his shoulder from behind "Stop it, Floch!" I said.

He looked at me once then just ignored.

He was like this always.He does only what he want.I knew him since we were cadets.We had big fights in the past because of our diffrent points of view.At first I hated how he think that he is always right.And makes a mountain about every little things which can be solved only by a little bit of ignorance.As we get to know each other more I understood that we are nothing alike.He clearly knew what he want. While I was still trying to figure out the purpose of my life.

I envied him to be honest.But in the journey of understanding each other's opinions, we ended up getting close to each other.Him and I,He always shared his thoughts with me,so did I. And in the end we used to debate.So many times I decided I wouldn't talk to him from now on,I couldn't,I needed him.

Floch stopped for a moment and said "At least Mikasa acted like an adult there"
I know what he is going to say ,My grip on his shoulder tightened.
"Floch don't"I begged.

He didn't listen and continued "Atleast she gave up in the end"

Looks like Mikasa's heart is broken into thousand pieces.I couldn't do anything.I let go of Floch's shoulder with a sigh.

Then Jean stepped in and tried to take control over the situation by telling him not to do this in the memorial of our fallen comrades.

He replied 'Memorial for who?When you guys build up your new scout regiment you better tell new comrades the truth or else you will end up with cowards like me."

Maybe he sound so harsh right now but I knew he is breaking into pieces inside.Afterall he is the only one survived in the suicidal charge towards Beast Titan.He saw comrades die in fear before his eyes.

I noticed his voice was shaking when he said "What are we gonna do without Commander Erwin?"


Hey guys !this is my second story based on Attack on Titan .I hope you like it .This story is going to follow the real story line of AOT with some little changes.So find out what happens next.

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