-2- 𝒜 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎

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A/n: I hoped you guys enjoyed that first chapter! But now... let's dive in!


Already up, you checked the small mirror in your room. Making sure you was decent; rumbling your hands through your hair fixating it to your liking.
You brushed the fabric of your dress, now walking to your bed to get your belongings you went to go open the door. But instantly stopped seeing your mother's hand raised, stopping her movements she lowered her hand and raised an brow. "You're up early" She inquired suspiciously.

"Yep! I wanted to start walking earlier than usual".- "Okay.... Breakfast is done so come on down" She stated, you started to follow her.

Walking the normal route, you decided to take a short-cut to cut time shorter. Venturing out into the graveyard since the other entrance was just about near the village. You stumbled across beautiful clearings and even animals, even seeing a blue jay.
Just about entering the village you made your way to the library. The bell above the door rang, notifying Ms. Momeyer someone just entered her shop. She peaked her head around the corner and came out quickly stopping just about behind the counter.

"Heavens, I've never seen you in here so early?! What has brought you the visit on such a morning?" She questioned.

You sat the book down and looked up "This"
You spoke.

"I wanted to know what this embroidery stamp means, it caught my attention when I began reading it last night" Pointing to the said stamp she raised her head slowly.

Taking the glasses that sat in the nest of her hair she placed them on the bridge of her nose. "Heavens you found it, I haven't seen one of these in ages".

"Ages? What does it means?" You pondered.- "Oh my dear, it nothing but the one and only School for good and evil" Momeyer exclaimed.

"But, what is the school for good and evil?" Emphasising "is"

"It is said that, many many years ago lived two brothers. They lived to set the balance between evil and good, but.... one horrible day" She stopped taking a long sigh.
"One day the brother of evil attacked and tried killing his own blood, but, he in fact was the one to die instead; as of self defence. But! it is known that many fairy tales began there like: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and many more"

"Gracious that's horrible! Who would do such a thing?!"- "Him..."

"Whose him?" You asked.

"I- I suppose I've said to much, well better run along before school starts" Momeyer stammered turning away.
"Bu-". - "No but's my dear. You'll figure it out, you're a smart girl so I believe in you. But, you should get going" Removing the hand she had on your cheek she patted your shoulder.

You hummed smiling a little, you were about to turn away until a thought popped in your head. "Momeyer?"- "Yes sweetheart, what is it?" She rebuttal.
"Has anyone... like us or are we able to go to this school for good and evil?" You questioned.

She sighed "Well I suppose you have time to hear a quick tale" She began, stepping closer she leaned her forearms on the counter.

"There was this girl... Leonora it was said that she had written a letter of some sort, and then one day she was gone. Vanished, disappeared. Never seen again, I don't know if it's possible because it was years ago. But now, you should actually run along"-
"Of course, thank you for telling me. Bye I love yo-" You stopped yourself before you could finished that phrase, embarrassed. She only smiled and chuckled to herself "It's okay dear, I love you too. Have a swimmingly day" She waved.

You smiled and nodded, disappearing in the morning sky.

The day went by surprisingly fast, and what even shocked you more is that when you arrived. John your bully was standing up writing a phrase on the board "I will behave"
Jokes on him for getting in trouble.

"I'm home!" You shouted, closing the cottage door. You went upstairs and put your belongings down. "Y/n! Go feed the chickens it's their dinner time!" Your father yelled, softly.

"Yes sir, I will!" You hollered back.
Going into the kitchen you went into the cupboard and got the bucket of seeds. Leaving out the back door; you scattered the seeds for the chickens. Leaving some in the palm of your hands, you allowed three chicks to feed from it.

After twenty minutes of being in the wilderness you came inside. Not even seconds after of being inside you were being told to do another chore... after chore... after chore. Just as your mother was about to say a word "Could I have rest?" You asked from scrubbing the floor.

"A rest?" She scoffed. "Yes ma'am a rest I'm getting a little worn out" You respectfully let your thoughts be known.

"You don't see me asking for a rest! So no continue scrubbing the floor"- you sighed "Yes ma'am" Grumbling to yourself quietly.

Moving your hands with the sponge, the bubbles began forming against the floor. Cleaning it spotless, hours later you were finally finished. You dumped the soapy water outside and left the bucket bedside the door. Rushing to your room you were stopped at the doorway, "Y/n!" Your mother shouted your name, making you holt.
Sighing deeply you turned to face her, "Could you give Jasper a bath?" She asked, her tone a little hoarse.

"Mum I have homework to get done, I haven't even started with all the chores I had to do" You responded.- "Well your work can wait, Jasper can't" She pointed her finger to the ground. "But mothe-" You didn't even get a chance to finish as a hand came crashing against your face. Holding the throbbing pain you breathed heavily and faced her.

Pointing her finger to you "You will not back mouth me girl! I am your mother and what I say goes, give Jasper his bath!"

"Yes ma'am..."

Taking Jasper's hand you led him to the powder room. Filling the tub, you placed Jasper in the tub and grabbed a sponge. Rubbing his back for a good solid minute, after washing everywhere you allowed him to play in the water for a bit. Splashing you in the face he giggled.

"Stop it Jasper" You laughed guarding your face from the water. He leaned against the side and stared into your eyes, his so pure. "Y/n?"

"Yes Jaspy?" You calmly replied.- "I love you"

You flashed a smile "I love you too bud" Getting him out the tub you dressed him in his night-ware and sent him off to bed. Finally going to your room you shut the door.
Sitting at the small desk you grab a piece of paper and your quill, you couldn't deal with this anymore. You wanted to get away, so if Ms. Momeyer was correct about that Leonora girl, you were about to be next to vanish, it was probably for the best. If such a school was out there.

Finishing the letter, you snuck out the house and walked to pronoun tree. The wishing tree. Kissing your letter you placed it in a branch "Please be true" You whispered, you sighed and left.

But what Y/n didn't know was that there was a black malicious figure watching her every move. Would her wish come true? I guess that's up to you to find out.


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