8/ who will laugh last?

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"PAHAHHAHAHA!" Asmo cheerily laughs at what he hears. This immediate earns him a glare from me. "What? I am not laughing at you, darling. I am laughing at my idiot brother. He is totally the kind of guy to get outsmarted like this don't get me wrong! But this quickly? It's a bit more pathetic than his usual level, you know?"

I sigh and continue playing with my food. The fork is like a shovel and the dish in front of me is like the sand. And I am just a child playing at the beach. Totally not a girl who just stepped from one disastrous era to another.

"So? What was his expression when you guys made the pact? I am curious." Satan joins the conversation and curiously scans my face for whatever information he can make out.

I think back about the moment. Mammon did not look as despairful as his brothers think. Maybe it was the evident anxiety on my face but he was very considerate and thoughtful back then.

"Expression? I don't know, I guess it was kinda neutral?" I finally decide to answer. Asmodeus frowns at my reply and comes closer. Well closer than we already were, we sit next to each other at the dining hall after all. "Oh, come on! He must have had the stupidest expression on his face! Tell me, Y/N! I promise I will keep it a secret!"

Satan laughs at Asmo's words. "Y/N is smarter than this."

The brown-haired brother gasps in offence. "I never said that she isn't! Even I have my moment of trustworthiness, Satan!"

"Of course you do." I eye their strange exchange and continue fighting the food on my plate. "If you are not going to eat this, can I have it?" Beel asks me. I was about to nod when a certain individual strolls in grumpily and loudly sits down on my right side.

"Oh, speak of the devil and he shall appear." Satan laughs while welcoming Mammon. The white-haired man didn't even spare him a glance.

I watch as Asmo and Satan share a glance and uncomfortable silence falls in the dining room. The only noise left is the cluttering of forks, knives and spoons. "So, isn't the weather today amazing?" I ask.

"There is 80% of rain and 90% of lightning." Satan informs us all.

"Okay, weather boy." What I wanted to say was 'Who asked you, weather boy' but this shall work as well! "I guess I need to bring an umbrella." I add.

"Do you even have an umbrella with you in the Devildom?"

Mammon brights up at Satan's question and casually answers for me. "You can use my umbrella, business partner. I need to be around you so it won't be a big waste for us to share one!"

Satan's eyebrows raise up in the sky.

Asmo on the other hand starts laughing maniacally. "PAHAHAHHAAHA! Oh, my! This is getting good!" He makes a point to show how he leans to my ear to secretly gossip out something to me. "That's something special, dear!" He very loudly says.

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