4/ is forever university suited for you?

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I had a weird dream. In it, I had been kidnapped to a whole new world and when I went to sleep I forgot to put on an alarm. Then I overslept big time and a white-haired demon was yelling at me to get up.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Hello? Human? Did you die? Lucifer is going to kill me if you are dead!"

Never-mind, it wasn't a dream. And getting yelled at wasn't the nicest thing to wake up to.
I opened my eyes quickly and stared straight ahead onto the ceiling.

"You are alive! Good! Now get up! You have twenty minutes to get ready before Beel eats everything and you starve and die! Or something. I dunno, you humans are pretty weak after all..."Mammon wondered aloud. I closed my eyes in mild frustration. "What?! No! Don't go back to sleep!" The white-haired guy continued yelling and all I could feel was the approaching headache. Suddenly a thought came into my mind.

"Hey, Mammon? Do you know humans can die from loud noises?" I mumbled with a very sleepy morning voice. The yelling immediately stopped. I opened my eyes to see the demon stare at a wall looking very deep in thought. He was slightly fidgeting with his fingers. Did he actually believe me?

"Human, you should get up and get ready!" He finally came to his senses. This time he had toned down his volume and was instead whisper-yelling.

"No need, I feel like today I shall prioritise sleep over food." I said and closed my eyes again. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"Absolutely not! You skipped dinner yesterday and you know who was on the receivin' end of Lucifer's wrath? ME! I am NOT lettin' you do this again! Do ya understand?" Mammon was standing over me. He was holding himself over me only with his hands but he wasn't fully on the bed. My eyes widened.

"Okay,okay!" I tried standing up but he kept me down.

"You didn't answer, do ya understand me?" I looked at his face. He looked serious. Like never.

"Okay, I said! I understand. Now can you let me stand up so I can get ready?" I had no idea how I managed to keep my voice stable.

Mammon got up. And with one last glance he walked away. I closed the door that HE left open and got ready to take a shower. There I thought about everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours. It just went crazier and crazier.


"Y/N! You are here!" Asmo's happy voice welcomed me as I got in the dining room. At least he was very much the same as he was when we were texting.


"No 'good' to the 'morning'?" He frowned.

"If it was good I would still be asleep." I stated and then looked over. There were eight seats. "Where can I sit?" I asked him.

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