7/who will take the fall?

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TW: blood (just a bit)

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TW: blood (just a bit)

levi 👺

oh wait u don't know
where the kitchen is?

it's near ur room at left



[seen at 6:66]

I hope you get sleep paralysis
in the midddle of the night
tonight and a leprechaun comes
and sucks the nails off
your toes.

[seen at 6:66]


I brushed my hair and considered going for a buzz cut. Of course, just as a joke because it would be funny and it would fit the situation that is going on at the moment. There were many things to consider if I wanted to meet Levi in the kitchen and make this pact.

But as always, I gave up on thinking and headed straight there with no plan.

The hallways were quiet and empty. My stomach was doing the weird thing where it wanted me to throw up the entirety of today's breakfast, lunch and dinner. But I put my hands in a fist and got ready for social war!

The kitchen was miraculously right next to me room and it smelt kind of good? I wondered if someone was there before. When I stepped in, I got my answer.

Beel's back was all I could see. He had turned himself to the counter and was happily munching on something. I tilted my head in a poor attempt to see what he is eating. He immediately sensed me and turned around. "Y/N?"

"Yeah, me. Hi! What's up?" I waved to him. He was already done eating his snack.

"Wait, perfect timing! Do you have something on you?" Something? Like a gun? Huh? I wondered.

"Uh...no. No weapons on me."

"What? No, I mean. Something edible. Wait, I just remembered...you know, you don't have to give me anything! Unless you brought it from somewhere. If it is made by you, you don't have to give it." He grinned while I gasped. "Are you- those pictures of my cooking were a ONE time occurrence, you know this, right?!" I held my hand to my chest in mock-offence.

Beel rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah...okay. Still...Why are you in the kitchen so late?" He quickly changed the subject.

"I am looking to strangle a specific purple-haired demon, of course! What else?" I grinned brightly in contrast to the dark stuff I was saying. Beel opened his mouth slightly in surprise. "Be careful..." My smile dropped.

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