Differences In The 90's!

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Michael: You guys are nuts

Porky: Correction we're the Looney Tunes

Daffy: And as such exclusive property and trademark of Warner Bros. Inc

Daffy had the logo on his butt and kissed it

Rory: Ew... with amazing fans of course!

Suddenly the monstars burst into the gym

Bupkus: I'm here!

Blanko: me to!

Michael: Who are these guys?

Bugs: remember the tiny aliens we told you about?

Rory: that's them!

Pound: You've heard of the dream team? Well, we're the mean team wussy man!

Rory gasped dramatically

Bupkus: Wussy man

Michael: Wussy man?

Rory: alright I get it!

Nawt: We're the Monstars M-O-N... Uh...

Rory: S-T-A-R-S

Nawt: Oh right

Pound: Let's see what you got chump

Pound Tossed Michael a basketball

Michael: I don't play basketball anymore.

He tossed the ball back to Pound

Bupkus: 'I don't play basketball anymore'

Monstars: hahaha!

Bang: Maybe you're chicken!

At that moment Bang was hit in the head with a basketball

Bang: Ow! Who threw that?!

All the looney tunes stepped back except for Rory who was spinning the basketball with her finger

Rory thinking: I can't change to much but I can at least help Michael stand up to these guys

Rory: Pick on someone your own size you big bullies!

Bugs: ...why do I feel so proud of her all of a sudden?

Pound: Now that's cute cheerleader

Rory: I'm not a cheerleader... I'm a player!

All of the Monstars started laughing

Michael: hey leave her alone!

Pound: fine! Come here you!

Pound picked up Michael and crushed him into a ball then the monstars threw him in the hoop. When Michael landed he got back to normal

Michael: You guys are making a big mistake

Bang: You're all washed up Baldy!

Rory gasped dramatically again

Michael: Baldy?

Tweety flew towards the monstars

Tweety: He is not washed up Michael's the greatest ever!

Bang: shut up!

Bang flicked tweety against the wall

Rory: Tweety!

Michael: Are you okay tweety?

Blanko: Yeah are you okay?

Bupkus: Hey!

Blanko: Whoops...

Rory thinking: Aww at least one of them cares! Sort of...

Tweety: You're not scared of them are you Michael?

Michael: ...let's play some basketball

All: Yeah!

The monstars left and the looney tunes started practicing but Rory was the only one that was good

Michael: Nice moves Rosie

Rory: thanks MJ!

Michael: who taught you how to play?

Rory: Uh... my parents! Especially my mom

Michael: has anyone else ever played basketball?

Just then Lola Bunny walked into the gym

Lola: Um I have!

Everyone turned around to see her and Rory was shocked

Rory thinking: that's mom?! She looked different in the 90's...

Lola: I'd like to try out for the team

Bugs: Hey!

Rory thinking: but I finally get to see how they met!

Lola walked up to bugs and held out her hand

Lola: Hi my name is Lola Bunny

Bug's immediately shook her hand

Bugs: Lola?

Lola: Yes

Bugs: Hello! My name is-

He burped in her face

Bugs: BUGS! Ahem you want to play a little one on one Doll?

Lola: Doll?!

Rory thinking: Oh boy...

Lola: on the court bugs

Bugs: sure!

Bugs followed Lola onto the court

Tweety: Oh she's hot!

Rory thinking: that's not what I was expecting though...

Bugs and Lola got ready to play

Lola: Ready?

Bugs: Yes!

Lola started dribbling the basketball

Bugs: I got it! I got it!

Lola ran passed Bugs and did a slam dunk

Michael: The girl's got some skills

Rory thinking: at least that stayed the same

Lola walked up to bugs again

Bugs: Yes?

Lola: Don't ever call me... doll

Bugs: Check!

Lola looked at the rest of the looney tunes

Lola: anyone else want to play one on one?

Rory raised her hand

Rory: I would! Hi M- Lola I'm Rosie

Lola: nice to meet you Rosie. Do you know how to play?

Rory: of course!

Lola and Rory both got on the court while Lola had the basketball

Lola: this is just a warm up-

Rory quickly stole the basketball and ran towards the hoop

Rory: Try to keep up!

Lola got the ball but Rory grabbed it again. This went on for awhile until Lola finally threw the ball in the hoop

Bugs: Wow...

Rory: that was awesome!

Lola: Thanks you lasted a lot longer than bugs did

Rory: I've been playing basketball for a long time

Lola: I can tell. Well it was nice playing with you

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