Road trip!

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Daffy sat on the couch with popcorn

Daffy: A new Damian Drake movie? Cool

Rory: no spoilers!

Damian Drake (on the TV): Come to Las Vegas. Ask Dusty Tails for the Blue Monkey.

DJ: The Blue Monkey? What's a Blue Monkey?

Rory: I'm guessing a monkey that's blue

Damian Drake (on the TV): it's a diamond. A very special diamond. Find Dusty Tails

A security guard tried to attack Damian but he punched the guard

DJ: Dad you need me to call the police or something?

Damian Drake (on the TV): No. No police.

Rory: is this rated R? If it is I can't watch it!

Rory covered her eyes

DJ: Dad are you ok?

Damian Drake (on the TV): I'm sorry I never told you this before but I-

Then the TV shut off

DJ: Dad?

Daffy: Diamond? I'm rich! I've joined the leisure class!

Rory: so this is a real spy mission?

DJ: I gotta go save my dad!

DJ headed to his car but Rory and Daffy were right behind him

Daffy: So count me in!

Rory: me to! My parents would never let me go with daffy but there is no way I'm missing this!

Daffy: A spy caper. Three agents, exploding bikinis, tigers hanging from helicopters! I'm through with show biz! From now on I'm gonna live the adventure. Next stop Las Vegas!

Rory: I can already see it now! The action the adventure the mystery and a little bit of romance!

DJ: neither you're not coming!

Rory: oh please you couldn't stop us even if you tried. Literally we're toons remember?

DJ: ...fine! I'll take my dad's old car

Daffy: A super spy car. Let's ride!

DJ got in the car and it was just a pizza truck

DJ: This isn't a spy car.

Daffy: Your dad is a spy. Ipso ergo a spy car

Daffy and Rory got in the back seat

DJ: I used to deliver pizzas in this car.

Daffy: Secret pizzas? A spy pie maybe? This definitely a spy car by the way I'm the leader!

Rory: who said-! Wait hold on... quick question can you fly?

Daffy: no why-

Rory grabbed daffy and tried to throw him out of the car but the window was closed

Daffy: Ow!

Rory: oh sorry

She opened the window and then threw daffy out of the car

DJ: Thanks!

Rory: your welcome and now we can go

DJ drove off but suddenly daffy was right next to Rory

Daffy: You know how I know it's a spy car? Because it looks abssssolutely nothing like a spy car!

DJ punched daffy in the face again

Rory: Ha!

DJ kept driving and none of them saw the real spy car came up from the ground


Back at warner bros studios bugs and Elmer were filming without daffy

Bugs: I don't think this routine is gonna work without Daffy but alright

Director: action!

Elmer: Say your prayers wabbit. It's rabbit season!

Bugs: Duck season.

Elmer: Rabbit season

Bugs: Duck season

Elmer: Rabbit season.

Bugs: Rabbit season!

Elmer was confused and read the script

Elmer: Wait a minute...

Bugs: See I told you this wasn't gonna work without-

Elmer Fudd held his pistol and shot Bugs

Bugs Lola kate and the director's were watching this happen in the screening room

Director 1: You're fired.

Kate: What? But you-

Director 2: You got rid of our best duck

Lola: actually the only Duck

Kate stood up from her seat

Kate: You can't fire me. My films have made $950 million dollars!

Director 1: thats not a billion.

Director 2: Nope. Not a billion.

Kate: Okay I think we can all agree that the decision to get rid of Daffy was a poor one but it's time to move on and by move on I mean reversing course and getting Daffy back.

Directors: By Monday

Both of the directors left the room

Kate: I will have Daffy back on Monday.

Bugs: That went well Listen kate if I know Daffy he's already hit the road by now

Lola: if that's true then Rory's probably with him

Bugs: do you think she'll lie about it?

Lola held her phone started to call Rory

Lola: lets find out


Meanwhile DJ threw Daffy out of the car but he kept coming back

Daffy: It's good to stretch

DJ: You know I'm getting tired of throwing you out of the car

Rory: yeah you're even starting to get on my nerves! And that's saying a lot

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