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╰┈ December of 2020,
in Abu Dhabi 🇦🇪

We decided to look around the city, trying to find some cool places to visit and go around while we're staying here. Charles decided to disguise himself so he wouldn't be bothered, and I was told to do the same. Abu Dhabi is an unique place, it's filled beautiful views.

"Despite all the things, Abu Dhabi is a beautiful place. We should visit more than often." I say and Charles laughs.

"We will continue to visit at least once every year." right, I forgot the fact that there's a race here every year "I heard of a good place we could go tonight." I look at him wanting for more details "I'm not going to say anything else, let's go back to the hotel room and get ready for dinner~" Charles knows I hate surprises, well I like them when I don't know they exist, if I know something is a surprise I hate it, because it makes me feel very anxious to know what it is!

We arrived to hotel room and showered separately. Charles had some arrangements to do before we got out so he got ready first. Once it was my turn to shower Charles had already left to do whatever he had to do. I showered did my hair, put on a little bit of makeup and then dressed up. I was not sure which dress to wear so I send it to Charles so he could choose.


Val 💕: *picture*
Val 💕: *picture*
Val 💕: which one should I choose for tonight?

Char <3: You'd look great in any of them

Val 💕: well thanks for informing me of that, but that's not helpful.

Char <3: the first one, that way we could be matching ;)

Val 💕: so I'll be going with the second one

Char <3: why do you ask me if you're going to not wear it?

Val 💕: i'm trying to find out if the girlfriend effect is making anything to you
Val 💕: but clearly i was wrong to think that

Char <3: girlfriend effect?
Char <3: what's that? i'm searching it up!
Char <3: ...
Char <3: that's your way of saying that you don't like my style?

Val 💕: not at all!
Val 💕: but thanks for the help!
Val 💕: also i'll wear the first one, cause i want to be matching ;)

Char <3: ok love, see you in a bit ;)

After that I dressed the dress Charles choose, it was a long white dress with an opened back, V neckline, openings on the side of the leg and it was loose, making it free to move it around. I then added golden jewelry to the look, a brown pair of high heels and finished it off with a brown purse.

Not long after I was finished Charles had arrived, he was wearing a shirt the same material and color as my dress, a slightly darker pair of paint and brown shoes. I was wrong to criticize his style through message, he was looking amazing! The girlfriend effect was definitely kicking in!

"Look at you, if I didn't know I would've thought you finally contacted Elodie to be your stylist." Elodie Dumont, a french stylist among celebrities, she styles people like Kiyana Baxter, a famous singer and model;... She is very known to get celebrities wearing the perfect outfit for each occasion and making them have iconic looks, that are remembered for years! She's a year younger than me, like Charles.

"Why do I need a stylist when I have my girlfriend to give me the girlfriend effect." he pulls me closer by my waist and kisses me.

"That was very lame you know Char?" we laugh.

"Let's go have dinner Amour." he grabs my hand and we leave. We drive for a little while until we reach the beach. I see a path with rose petals and a few candles. A little bit more further I see a small tent with a table for us to eat "Do you like this surprise?" he asks me whispering to my ear, I'm out of words so I just nod and he giggles, god those dimples could kill!

"This is beautiful Charles, I can't believe you've done all this." I say as we made our way to the table.

"I thought of going to a restaurant, but I wanted us to have more privacy so I thought of dining at the beach just the two of us. When I asked the restaurant if they could prepare the food, they were more than happy after they find out I drive for Ferrari." I giggle. We had dinner and talked about who knows what. Being around Charles just feels comfortable, even if we are in total silence "You know Val, I told you this before, but you are my first and only love. After you I couldn't love no one else the way I did with you. There was times when I was bitter with everyone around me, all because I didn't have you, in some way that was helpful to get me to where I am. But not having you around was never something I wanted. I don't have regrets, and I don't want you to have either. Perhaps if none of our past happened we might've not be here today. Everything happen for a reason and I think the whole situation made us stronger individuals and made us create a better relationship. I feel like we understand each other better now, I guess you can say that in some way it was right person wrong time." at this point I was boiling my eyes out "I'm forever thankful for having a second chance with you. There's no one else in this world that I rather be with." Charles started getting up and anxiety started rushing over me, why was he doing this speech and getting down on one knee?! "Valentina Wolff, I loved you for all my life and I will continue to do so. I know we have been dating for a little less than a year, that's why I want to give you this ring. I promise to never leave you and to make you smile when you cry. I can't say what the future holds for us, but I want this promise ring to symbolize that our love doesn't end." a promise ring, it's beautiful "I want to achieve everything I can with you by my side and I want to see your achievements too."

"Oh Charles..." I hug him and we both stand there for god knows how long. I truly don't deserve him, but I can't live without him either.

Catch Me - Charles Leclerc ✓Where stories live. Discover now