chapter 24

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~two years later ~

[Y/n's pov]

I looked at my empty Ring finger and smiled widely while stretching My arms which were feeling a little stiff. "Yes I'll try to attend the Art exhibition, Don't worry I've already done my canvas I just have to give the Best one some final touch, Then I'll see you tomorrow in Seoul" I hung up the call sighing heavily due to the hectic schedule

Sipping on my coffee I looked at Mom, well more specifically Taehyung's mom whom I call Mom too now. It's been two years since I left Seoul with Taehyung after grandma passed away

We came to his hometown and now we live here with his parents, We officially declared our relationship last year and since then we've grown a lot closer. Various stuff changed in my life and they all are positive, I again started to work on my dream which was to be an artist and now finally my art is getting recognition tomorrow at the Seoul art exhibition, The event is surely important for me but I'm not sure if I should go to Seoul or not.

After living with Taehyung for almost more than two years, I perfectly understood that he's a possessive and protective boyfriend who encouraged me a lot to again work on my passion, he's the backbone for me. After the passing of Grandma, he was devastated so I've seen him going through the worst phase of him

We believed in each other and grew together, he's just not my comfort zone but I'm his comfort zone too. I adore him for everything he did for me over these years, I had no one but now I think he's my everything. Leaving my past made me have the most beautiful present. The way his eyes still spark when he talks to me makes me feel things that I was craving to feel

He's surely a clingy guy, I'm happy to get stuck with him for the rest of my life I guess.
"Don't worry you should attend the exhibition tomorrow I will later send him to pick you up from Seoul but make sure you don't tell him about the exhibition tomorrow or I'm sure he will never let you go alone" Mom let out while sipping on the coffee and I nodded my head at her words

Taehyung is having his important meetings these days so I surely don't want him to run after me leaving his meetings and everything
"Yeah he will surely not let me go, so it's better if I sneak from home" I laughed at my own words as she smiled putting some more veggies on my plate. Taehyung's mother always made sure to treat me with love, she accepted me being a divorcey and even that I have a son. Over the years I got closer to Jae again, he usually comes here in a few days to meet me with his girlfriend jera. I still remember that day when Jae mistakenly called Taehyung his dad and after that taehyung was talking about that particular cute incident the whole night

My relationship with Jackson and Felix is now more stronger nobody can say that I'm not their mother, their every parent's teacher meeting is also attended by me. I feel blessed to have these two cute creatures in my life who again made me experience motherhood. They're my babies doesn't matter if I have given them birth or not

This is my life now, peaceful and with love. Everything is perfect here, I've my loved ones with me, I've my peace here and I hope I can remain like this for the rest of my life. The hope that I once lost is again breaming with light and engulfing me. The warmth around me radiates my happiness. I'm happily in love with Taehyung


[Jungkook's pov]

"Why it's always Jae for you huh? What about our child? Is she not your blood or what jungkook?" Her tone kept getting higher as I glanced over at Jae who was listening to us, his hands clenched around his bag
"Hana stop it! For fuck sake he's here" I shouted at her face but made sure to not lose my temper again this morning

She chuckled as tears breamed in her eyes and her grip against my collar loosened as she wiped her tears harshly with the back of her hands and sarcastically clapped "So let him! He should know that you have a fucking child with me, make him stop behaving like a brat" Her words were enough to trigger me as I saw Jae slightly bowing in my direction before leaving the room

"SHUT UP HANA, CAN'T YOU SEE HIM? IS HE NOT YOUR CH-" she cut off my words as her hands pushed my chest and her breath got heavier, tears kept flowing from her eyes as she broke down into sobs

"NO I'VE NOT GIVEN HIM BIRTH, BUT STILL I TRY MY BEST TO TREAT HIM LIKE MY KID BUT ALL THE FUCKING TIME YOU PUT HIM ABOVE OUR DAUGHTER" she again shouted and I clenched my fist stopping myself from taking any further action which can make me regret my whole life

I love both the child equally, it's her who discriminates between them not me for fuck sake, I looked over at my mom who was silently watching our argument as if it was nothing new now in the house.

"You ruined my morning" I spat taking my coat from the couch and leaving the mansion, taking out my car I started its engine and lit up my cigarette inhaling the smoke to ease my mind right now

Our daughter who's of Eight months old now, as much as I love Jae that much amount of love is also for my little princess but no matter what Hana can't see it, It's just not me who's tired of the daily arguments it has also effected Jae mentally, He has almost stopped talking to anyone in the house now

My family is breaking apart and I can't do anything about it, the more I try to solve the problems the more I tangle myself into them. The distance between me and Jae keeps growing now and similarly to my wife too

Mom doesn't talk much anymore with anyone too, it doesn't even feel like a home anymore, grasping the wheel tightly I let out a frustrating tone when my phone started to vibrate

I picked it up immediately thinking it must be from. Home or maybe Hana must felt have guilty but my hopes vanished when the call was from my secretary

"Sir tomorrow you have to attend the Seoul Art exhibition as many Politicians are going to be there so Mr. Lee wants you to be there too along with him, he wants the file now for the upcoming projects so I already gave him that file" he halted his words as I tiringly let out a sigh, Tomorrow was an off day for me where I wanted to spend my time with my family but I think again I've to ditch my family for work

More arguments will happen now once Hana comes to know about my schedules
"OK make sure to arrange the meeting as soon as possible I'm just coming in a few minutes" I Hung up the call and threw my phone on the back seat angrily

"I don't have any option but to offend her again and attend the fucking useless exhibition"

Love you all 💜💙

Love me [jungkook x reader x Taehyung]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin