chapter 21

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[Jae's pov]

I combed my hair with my fingers as I hopped off my bike and taking a heavy breath, I threw the flower bouquet on her lap while grinning

She rolled her eyes while fixing her skirt and zipped her bag ready to leave again but before that, I grasped the strap of her bag "Sung Jera" I called out and she patiently tapped her shoes hill on the floor
"I want you to meet my mother" I let out and she wrapped her arms around her chest while rolling her almond eyes

"I already met her at the Christmas party Jae! Stop fooling me, you bastard!! You fucking left me at that fucking party of yours" she yelled furiously at me, The people around the open Cafe area looked at us suspiciously. I mentally rolled my eyes at her words but right now I needed to be calm

"Listen it was all boys hanging out which your so-called cousin brother Sung Jaehyun was invited to apart from me so if you gonna still do not  believe me ask him, my intention was not to leave you alone, and about meeting my Mom well I'm talking about my biological mom" I cleared my points and she again rolled her eyes before finally speaking up

"Just for this time from next time onwards, your dick is gonna be into pieces you piece of God knows what" She rolled her eyes while making her way to the bike but before that, she picked up the flower bouquet throwing it in the dustbin with a smirk

"Let's go"I rolled my eyes as we drove off. Her arms tightly got clasped around my waist and she slightly placed her head on my back and I felt her grinning. Well she's not my girlfriend but yet she is I mean it's complicated between us

"What you gonna introduce me as?" She asked while leaning more onto my back "Girlfriend" I let out in a word which left her smirking for sure "So you finally agreed that I'm your Girl" she let out while placing a quick peck on my back and I chuckled

"Nahh" As my words left my lip she pinched my waist and I clasped her fingers tightly
"Stop that if you don't want to die" She slightly punched my back and I felt her taking her hands back from my waist

"Why I'm even with you!! God if I would've been your mommy I would have whipped your ass daily" she let out in a  frustrated tone while probably rolling her eyes which made me chuckle at her words

"It's the first day of 2024 and you still going out? Do you even consider me as your wife or not jungkook, it should be our day! Going out and enjoying but look at you" Hana let out while rolling her eyes at jungkook who was fixing his tie with dead-cold eyes and deeply staring into the mirror at her reflection who just wrapped the white blanket around her naked body. She pouted at him while thumping her fist on the bed

"I'm a CEO, not your babysitter to pamper you all the time Hana, it's not cute to act like a baby all the time for fuck sake" he rudely let out which made Hana lightly gasp at his words

"Seriously? You're so rude kookie" she again let out while rolling the white blanket upon her head and whimpering slowly

Jungkook faced her and his both hands on his hips as he knitted his brows "You not gonna bid me a by or company me for breakfast?" He asked but after not hearing anything in response from Hana who was curled up like a ball in the blanket, he decided to leave but before that, he heard her

"Nooooo Hana is angry with you" Listening to her babyish tone he left the room making sure he shut the door hardly to make her notice that he was leaving
"What's wrong with him" Hana let out while sighing heavily as she felt hard to believe he hadn't even tried to approach her

She tried to stand on her feet but it was too hard for her after all the things they had done all night and the worst thing she felt was that he hadn't even tried comforting her after all these things like he always does

"Maybe he's too busy, I guess it's my fault here. It must be hard for him to cooperate with everything in the company and I keep throwing my stupid tantrum at him. You are so an idiot Hana, but anyway, I will surprise him in his office at lunchtime with his favorite lingerie" she giggled while fixing her hair and pouting slightly as the red shade tint spread across her cheek due to her imagination

[At Taehyung's mansion]

"You call Taehyung your daddy right so what should you both call y/n?" Grandma took Felix in her arms as Jackson put the drawing book on the wooden table while sipping on his orange juice

"Noona!!!!" Felix excitedly answered while giggling which made Grandma sigh again at her grand-grand children "Mrs Kim I think you should tell them" Mrs. Lee whispered near Mrs. Kim's ear and Jackson pulled one more pencil colour from his bag while coloring the book and not giving any attention to their grandma's question

"No, you should call her Mommy Felix my baby" Jackson peeked at her and stood from his place "Mommy? But-" Before he could even continue Felix shouted out too loud

"Yesssss y/n mommy" he yelled while hopping off grandma's lap when he saw your glimpse coming toward them with a tray of Cookies

Inhaling the smell Jackson and Felix ran toward you
"Wait wait let me place them on the table first" They both cringed to your legs and you moved the tray of cookies upward

"Mommy please give us the cookies" You choked on nothing hearing Felix as Grandma and Mrs. Lee giggled listening to his cute tone calling you Mommy

You placed the cookies on the table and slightly bowed at Grandma and Mrs. Lee. You confusingly looked at him and pinched his nose tip lightly

Before you could utter anything Grandma uttered while sipping on her tea
"Y/N please don't let out anything you know right kids are innocent so please don't mind their words but at least accept their love" Her words made you nodd lightly as you pecked Felix's forehead

"Mommy" Jackson let out clinging to your legs again and you patted his head lovingly, he rubbed his cheek on your leg so you picked him kissing his forehead too

He giggled and Grandma adored your mature gesture

"Sorry for disturbing but someone named Jae along him Sung Jera is here to meet Ms. Han"one of the maids of the Kim mansion let out coming into the garden while bowing


Love you all 💜💙

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