Eighteen - Any objections?

Start from the beginning

"While that is intriguing, correlation does not constitute evidence." My head swung and looked at Jack Kang as he spoke calmly, pushing away Tobias' statistics. My eyes narrowed as I looked back at my hand, completely clean, devoid of any deep dark reds... 

"A Dauntless leader shot a Candor child in the head!" I looked back at Tris as she yelled, my hand still subtly shaking, I could have sworn I felt the stickiness on my hand still. "Did you get a report of that? Did it seem worthy of investigation?" 

"In fact I did," I looked at Kang again. "And shooting a child in cold blood is a terrible crime that cannot go unpunished. Fortunately, we have the perpetrator in custody and will be able to put him on trial. However, we must keep in mind that the Dauntless soldiers did not give any evidence of wanting to harm the majority of us, or they would have killed us while we were unconscious." 

My eyes widened as I felt my expression morph into one of shock. Of course they didn't want to hurt the majority... but the one's they did hurt were divergent... why wasn't that clicking with him?

Almost as if everyone else read my thoughts, or had similar ones themselves, a chorus of irritated whispers erupted around us. "Their peaceful invasion suggests to me that it may be possible to negotiate a peace treaty with the Erudite and the other Dauntless," I could feel my heart skipping beats, a banging behind my eyes. "So I will arrange a meeting with Jeanine Matthews to discuss that possibility as soon as possible."

But I bite my lip, I didn't want to yell, not when the circumstance was so extreme. But are we really going to stay with people that believed Erudite? Would me yelling make our outcome any worse?

"Their invasion wasn't peaceful," Tris starts, a short snap in her tone, but well hidden by her exasperated expression. But from where I was standing, I could see Tobias' lip curl slightly into a smaller version of smile... a proud one. Why did I get a glare but she got a smile? "Just because they didn't shoot you all in the head doesn't mean their intentions were somehow honourable. Why do you think they came here? Just to run through your hallways, knock you unconscious, and leave?" 

"I assume they came here for people like you," I would have thought he was pointing at me until I noticed he really wasn't, he was pointing at the wound on my stomach. As if they never done anything to me... they just caused a small warning. A peaceful warning. "And while I am concerned for your safety, I don't think we can attack them just because they wanted to kill a fraction of our population."

"What happened to faction before blood?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow and looked at Jack, my eye twitching slightly as my jaw grew tense. "They killed Candor as well-" I went to continue before he cut me off. 

"The difference is all in the numbers!" My back straightened at his ignorant tone. "From the numbers we can deduce they only wanted to clean up, no one else was in danger, danger of being killed!" 

"Being controlled is way worse than being killed!" Tris stepped in. "That's what they are planning to do!" 

I wanted to slap Kang the moment I saw him smile with amusement, as if this was all one big, unharmful, debate. "Oh? And how will they do that?" 

"They shot you with needles," Tobias says. "Needles full of simulation transmitters. Simulations control you. That's how."
"We know how simulations work," says Jack. "The transmitter is not a permanent implant. If they intended to control us, they would have done it right away."
"But—" Tris begins.
My eyes narrow at how quick Jack throws her to the side. "I know you have been under a lot of stress, Tris," he says quietly, "and that you have done a great service to your faction and to Abnegation. But I think your traumatic experience may have compromised your ability to be completely objective. I can't launch an attack based on a little girl's speculations."

"Little girl?!" I take a moment, trying to understand how it could have been me to yell that, I didn't mean to. But I had attention on me now. "That little girl could have died, I could have died, all of us could have died. We know the true danger that is happening right now, how can you be so unfathomably stupid that you won't listen for one second?!"

"If I didn't know better Y/n, I would say you are under, if not more, the same stress as Tris here-" My eyes widened. My heart raced as I felt rage just build and build, but what was I supposed to say? If I continued arguing I was only proving his point. "So I'll reiterate, Candor will not launch an attack based off of pre-delusions." 

"You don't make our decisions for us Kang." Tobias suddenly stepped in, acting the leader once again. Never put in more than five words right? The strong silent type. The one everyone follows. The wrongly accused of being so confident others will talk for him. 

No, at this point we're talking for ourselves, not for the factionless, or the dead, or for the army we could possibly have. We're talking for the ones that are in the middle of it all, and the ones being accused of being paranoid and too young to understand. 

I tilted my head over my shoulder slightly as I started to hear the Dauntless speak up. "You are not the leader of our faction!" I looked back at Jack who silently waits for all of the yelling to die down, maybe that's another reason I don't like him, he's too calm.

"That is true. If you want to, you can feel free to storm the Erudite compound by yourselves. But you will do so without our support, and may I remind you, you are greatly outnumbered and unprepared." 

We all turn silent. He was right, we couldn't storm Erudite, not without Candor. It would be an unnecessary blood bath. 

"That's what I thought." Jack says, making everyone's attention turn to him. "Then I will contact Jeanine Matthews to negotiate a peace. Any objections?" 

A sudden chill creeped up the back of my neck, I knew Erudite would only call a peace if Candor handed us over, and they would. We didn't have Candor on our side, if we needed numbers, we need the factionless. 

2504 words

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