𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊 ✵ 𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖐

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The ceremony held for Lady Laena is very beautiful so far. Everyone gathered on the courtyard right in front of the main gates of the castle. The grief overtook everyone. Daenyra never really met her aunt, but the woman was loved by many if not everyone. Oh she would have loved to meet her before she was gone. But the Gods called her back to the sea before that could happen. Even the sea seemed to mourn the loss of Lady Laena. Vhagar could be heard crying in the distance, mourning her rider.

Daenyra glanced at her father, and her heart sank. Laenor's cheeks were stained with tears. He was sobbing silently during his uncle Vaemond's speech in honor of his dear sister. She gave her father's hand a light squeeze. The man looked down at her with a little smile, grateful that she was there for him.

"We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon," Vaemond started in Valyrian. Daenyra was grateful to be fluent in Valyrian at the age of ten and one, the same could not be said about both her brothers though. Neither of them understood what was said. She was glad that Laenor let her stand with him and his parents, so she doesn't have to stand near her brothers and mother.

"To the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King where He will guard her for all the days to come." The Merling King is the Sea God her father's House worship, Daenyra could still hear her father's stories and lessons about this God. She couldn't say which gods she would follow, but she knew that the Merling King seemed like one of the most interesting ones, along with the other Old Valyrian gods. She was not overall close to the Faith of the Seven, she felt closer to old Gods, may they be from the North or from Valyria. Though she respects the Seven all the same.

"As she sets to the sea for her final voyage, Lady Laena leaves behind two true-born daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will remain bound together in blood. Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin." The last part of the speech did not go unnoticed by Rhaenyra, whose face deeply frowned as she held her sons close to her. There was an awkward silence in the assembly of people and as Daenyra's eyes met those of her mother, she couldn't help but feel hurt too. Yes, her brothers were bastards, and certainly no Velaryons, but neither was she. Aemond took her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze.

"You may not be a Velaryon by blood, but you remain a Targaryen, a true Dragon." He whispered in her ear. She gave him a small smile, grateful for his support, and he smiled back in response.

The awkward silence eventually passed as the people present started to mingle and busy themselves in conversations. Daenyra stood with Aemond, Aegon and Helaena who is currently playing with a spider on the ground.

"She's an idiot, and we have nothing in common." Aegon said, looking down at his blood sister.

"You are both of Valyrian blood, and Helaena will be a good wife to you, even if you do not deserve her." Daenyra said the last part with a taunting smirk. "If you hurt her though, know that I will cut your balls." Aegon snorted and rolled his eyes. Before he could reply Aemond continued.

"She is your future Queen. You will respect her, plus, it will keep our Valyrian blood pure." Aemond replied sternly. He loved his sister, and even if he and Aegon were on good terms lately, he wouldn't let him speak ill of Helaena.

"You marry her then" Aegon said, huffing loudly.

"I'm already betrothed to Daenyra." Was Aemond's reply.

"Yes indeed. Let's switch betrotheds then! You take Hel and I take Dany" Aemond instantly pulled Daenyra away from Aegon and into his chest.

"Never! I love Hel but Dany is mine to wed." Aegon groaned and Daenyra giggled.

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