16: What Do You Even Know?

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"Move over."


"Move over."


"Hyunjin, Move OVER!"

Hyunjin grunted as I used all my might to fling him off my bed. my efforts were fruitless. I glared at his stupid shit-eating grin.

"Come on Y/N.. give it up" With his same dumb face, he brought his arm over to cage my head in his chest.

"you smell like sweat!" I was lying. He smelled really nice, but there was no way I'd tell him that. Not when his ego could easily inflate like a couple of balloons.

"Yeah, cause you make me hot."


"that was awful."

"yeah I realized when I heard it."

I scoffed and tried to pull away from his grasp only for him to bring his other arm around me, I was completely trapped in his embrace. "it's just one night, I'm not going home at this hour."

As I turned around, I ridiculed him. "I wish you'd leave sooner"

I suddenly got whacked with a pillow which stunned me awake. "Don't be so mean to me Y/N"

I grabbed the pillow he just hit me with and swung it at him, getting a good shot directly on his face. The pillow muffled his loud gasp as he sprung up to his knees and grabbed the pillow.

"Hey! Back off Hwang!" I yelled as I tried to protect myself from his attacks, when he stopped to rest his arms I grabbed the pillow under my head and knocked him with it.

We ended up in a heated pillow fight, at some point I lost my balance and accidentally dropped my pillow onto the floor. In slow motion I could see Hyunjin with a victory grin on his face as the pillow in his hands was about to come clashing down on me, in a moment of defeat I blocked my face.


The sound of Mina's voice vibrated through the wall and caused both of us to freeze, his arms held up in mid-air. We looked at each other and sheepishly stopped what we were doing, sitting quietly next to each other.

"We expected you guys to fuck but jeez!" Yoonhee's voice interjected.

"We weren't-" I attempted to defend myself only to be silenced by both Yoonhee and Mina's "SHUT UP!"


The air was silent and awkward, we didn't look at each other, he had a pillow in his lap and I was leaned back against my headboard.

"You know Jay does like you right?"

I groaned out loud at that. "Are you seriously still on that?"

"Yes! Because he's in love with you!"

"You're misunderstanding him Hyunjin!" I stated.

The scoff that left his mouth made me turn and look at him questionably. "Of course you think that.."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means you've got him so deep into the friendzone that even his pathetic attempts are coming off friendly"


"Y/N." He glared at me long enough to make me shut my mouth and listen. "No guy, and I repeat, No guy! treats their female friends the way he treats you!"

"And how does he treat me according to you?"

"Like his future wife!"

I could see him growing a bit frustrated at this whole thing which made a specific question circle my head,

Why does he care so much?

I shouldn't have, yet I chose to test my luck.


"What?" He immediately looked at me with wide eyes.

"So he likes me, why does it matter to you?"

His gaze faltered and he turned his head to look straight instead. "Cause I care.. and I know damn well he doesn't deserve you."

I tilted my head a bit. "I think he does,"

His brows furrowed and he looked at me again. "Seriously? when was the last time you hung out alone? or the last time he got you flowers? or showed you off in public regardless of the paparazzi and his fans? When everyone was running out of that halloween party, where was he Y/N?"

Hyunjin left me speechless. I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out. It wasn't the fact that Jay didn't do any of those things, it was the fact that Hyunjin did. except for one..

"you've never got me flowers," I crossed my arms as I challenged him. He only flicked my forehead.

"What do you even know?"

I sat silently, my mind felt blank and my heart was pounding. Hyunjin looked at me for a while before looking away with a sigh. Something under my bed caught his eye because he soon leaned down and picked up my old high school yearbook.

"Oh god, don't look at that!" I attempted to grab it until he held it away.

"No no, I'm gonna see what you wrote about everyone"

There was a smirk to his lips and I felt okay again knowing that he wasn't upset with me. I let him look through the pages.

He was flipping through the pages trying to find me, I was surprised he even knew my last name. He must've done a lot of research on me. As he flipped through to find me, a certain name caught my eye.

"Wait, is that.. you?!"

He stopped and looked at who I was pointing at in the yearbook.

"Oh yeah, it is. Aren't I handsome?" He held a grin on his face while I was still astonished.

"you went to my high school?!"

He looked at me confused. "Y/N, we sat next to each other in homeroom."

I was flabbergasted, how did I not notice him? how did I not remember him?

"Wait... so you knew me? how did we get into this fake dating mess then?!"

I smacked him with the pillow in his own lap. He laughed and tried to protect himself. "I didn't recognize you! it just happened! Do you seriously think that I was trying to figure out who you were when-"

"Don't say it!" I covered my ears hastily.

"-When the club lights were changing so much, get your head out of the gutter freak"

I sheepishly removed my hands from my ears.

As he looked at all the other people we graduated with that I didn't have a faint memory of, the gears in my brain began to spin.

What did he mean by "what do you even know"? Did he get me flowers before? He gave me the pink tulip.. but that came from his suit!

Another question came to mind, how was he so perfect with the flower? pink tulips can't be that common of a favourite? I never told anyone aside from my friends that pink tulips were my favourite.. not even Jay knew that, so how did Hyunjin?

Maybe he asked one of them?

I thought back, I only received pink tulips a couple times. Once, it was from Hyunjin of course but the other times.. It was always a candy gram from an anonymous person in high school.

And then it clicked.

Did Hyunjin send me those candy grams?!

Caught In A Lie | Hwang HyunjinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum