7: Were You Always This Pretty?

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The door of my apartment shut, creating a loud bang which scared my roommates who were watching a horror movie. As they cautiously turned to face me, a sigh of relief immediately washed over all three of their faces.

I smacked the back of Yoonhee's head as I made my way over to the couch. "Ow!" She yelled.

"Why did you leave me back there!" I half asked, half screamed.

"I told you there was paparazzi and left the store thinking you were behind me! I turned around and realized you weren't there! I would have went back for you but I remembered Hyunjin and his member were still inside so you would've been fine!" Yoonhee protested, soothing her head.

"You were fine, right?" Chaerin asked, a sudden feeling of concern washed over her.

"I am, you guys are lucky Hyunjin's not totally an ass." I said.

Yoonhee smiled and wrapped her arm over my shoulder, making me lean on her as Mina turned the movie back on and Chaerin opened a bag of chips.


The sunlight creeped in through the curtains as I tried to pull the blankets off of me. That was until I realized the blanket was Chaerin laying on me. Rubbing my eyes, My sight became clear and I realized we had fallen asleep on the couch after the movie. I groaned, dragging myself away from the blonde and reaching for my phone on the coffee table. There were several notifications. Tags in posts from fans, tons of messages from friends about the newest article of Hyunjin and I out the night before. My phone suddenly began to vibrate and it was my manager calling.

"Hello?" I mumbled, still filled with sleep.

"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?"

"Something like that," I looked around at the three girls sleeping on top of each other and basically hanging off the couch, then I noticed all the empty soda cans and snack bags.

"I'm glad to hear that. The media has gotten a hold of you and the two Stray Kids members last night."

"I'm aware, I saw the headlines."

"Alright then it shouldn't come as surprise to you that I have 4 tickets to a Stray Kids concert and it's heavily important that Dreamnote takes them."

"Got it."

"Thank you for not putting up a fight Y/N, It'll end soon."

I bid my goodbye to my manager before waking up the rest of the members and letting them know of our schedule.


"Apparently he likes americanos." Chaerin said, putting her phone away after doing some quick research on my so-called "lover".

"God Y/N, you seriously don't know your boyfriend's favourite drink?" Yoonhee mocked.

"He should be lucky I'm even getting him anything." I said as I added another drink to our order at the coffee shop.


My head turned to the call of my name, the girls' heads following in the same direction as I searched for the owner of the voice I could only describe as awfully familiar. That's when the owner of the voice hit me. Literally.

"I'm over here idiot, stop squinting." Someone said as I felt a smack at my head, I turned around with a frown as I looked up. Upon noticing who the owner of the voice was, my frown changed completely.

"Jay!" I smiled, hugging him.


"Why are you sitting all alone?"

the little girl looked up at who was talking to her, none of her 3 friends were able to make it to school. they all caught the same virus and she was the only one who managed to pass it, she was called lucky but was she really?

in front of her stood a boy, the sun shined in from the window and directly onto him, illuminating him like some sort of angel sent to help the lonely girl.

"I don't know." was all she said. She had a hard time talking to people. If shy was a person it would be her. She kept to the same 3 people, when they were all gone she was in her usual state of lone.

"I'm Jay, I'm 10 and I just moved here from the U.S, have you ever been there?" The boy was cheerful, his eyes sparkled as he spoke.

"I'm Y/N. I'm 12." The girl spoke softly in a quiet tone, it was always almost impossible to hear her so the other kids preferred not to make the effort. She very quickly learned to do the same.

"Hi Y/N! Wanna be my friend? my mom said I have to make friends or else I'll end up sad." The boy continued, he didn't ever sound fully aware of the meaning behind his words. He just continued to say them without wiping the smile off his face.

Y/N shrugged and looked around, she saw how all the other kids played with each other and laughed with each other, she took a moment before nodding. Jay's smile only grew. From that day on, Whenever Y/N was around Jay tried to approach her as much as he could, regardless if her friends were around or not. Y/N didn't mind his company, she took him under her wing and tried her best to entertain him.

End of Flashback

"I've seen the headlines, you've been quite busy with that boyfriend of yours haven't you?" Jay said as he shot me a wink. My face turned in disgust as I walked away with my drinks in my hands.

Jay chased behind me, laughing echoed the streets as we left the café, my bandmates following closely behind. "Why are you leaving me? Isn't it true?" he asked. I looked at the girls and groaned.


We gave him the rundown. Us both being in kpop groups made it difficult to find the time to sit and hang out so we caught him up to our best abilities. When we were done he simply gave a shocked expression.

As he was still in his shocked state, the girls and I realized we were going to be late to the concert and had to get going so we bid our goodbyes and left Jay sitting outside the coffee shop.

The show had started a while after we got there. Seeing Hyunjin and his group members enjoying themselves on stage reminded me of my group and I. You were able to see the passion reek off of all of them as they danced, sang, rapped and interacted with the crowd. Hyunjin slowly made his way over to our side of the crowd and that was when most of the lights in the stadium dimmed so that the brightest light was shining on me. I stood in slight shock, feeling very exposed in the crowd.

Gasps were heard as the crowd began to realize it was me and not just another person in the crowd. As Hyunjin danced, his eyes widened once they fell on me and I gave him a smile, no longer caring about the lights or the gasps. I simply sang along with a smile.

Had he always been this pretty?

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