Chapter 15..💙🖤

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"I just wanted your new headphones"
"Here, I took them with me."
"Thank you. Ok...i ...i will leave"
"Jimmy , come sit here with me for sometime"

"What? I don't want any lecture right now."

"No lecture. Promise. You know right I love you. I am just worried because i don't want you to go through things I went through "

"You can't save me uncle. I can't keep simply to myself. I will make friends and if they hurt me so be it."

"Ok i will not tell you to not make friends. Just be careful. And you are growing up now , why don't you shift with me"

"And watch you and your boyfriend romancing all the time? It's uncomfortable"

"So i will tell him not to come here."

"See, what are you and why are you like this? Instead of telling me that i should take care while staying with mom or that i should not feel uncomfortable it's all normal, you outright decide on yourself to tell him to not come here because i am living here. What is this. Why are you always having this urge to make sacrifices and compromises. Don't you feel tired by not thinking about yourself."

Jimmy was a pacing around the room in a little bit of upset mood.

"Do you have any self respect uncle. I really doubt that. That bastard left you without even listening to you, he went away, never called you, never tried to contact anybody who knows you. And a few flattering words for him made you fall for him? What are you? This is the reason why bad things happen to you. Because you just don't value yourself"

"You are not wrong Jimmy. But what can I do i am like this. This is me . How long can i behave in a manner that doesn't grows from me naturally. But i promise i will try to improve. I will not tell him to not come here. Now can you shift here?"

"I can't shift. But I can live few days in a week here. Now can i go. I have plans with my friends"

"Ok, but be careful. I don't want an another cop drama. So no alcohol, no girls , no smoking. Understood?
And one more thing, stop using cuss words for Bible. He is my partner. I expect the basic respect from your side."

"Yes ok fine. I just don't like him. But I will try. But talking about respect. Do you think you are respecting him enough?"

"What do you mean Jimmy?"

"Uncle, keeping him in the dark you think you are respecting him enough? Take my words, you will be a big time failure if he comes to know it from someone else. I may look like a child to you but I understand that much. Hiding your problem from him is still ok but hiding something that can can affect him and your relationship with him badly is not something to be understood by anyone. You are moving each step towards hurting him. But atleast do it yourself. Because if someone else tells him it will take a lot to revive what you have with him "

Jimmy left and Biu was sitting still thinking about everything Jimmy said.

"He is right. I need to do it soon. I promise Ben, i will tell you everything. And i will say sorry again and again till you forgive me but i will not let you go , i will not end what we have. I promise "


"Brian, what the hell is this?" Bible asked in a low yet scary tone

"I can't help it. She reached to one of the producers and they send her here as production head for this project. You know how she is, will go to any length to get where she wants to be. She is going to be here all the time from now on and if we tell her off they will pull out all the money from the project and obviously will pressure us for the recovery of the money already spent. So all in all we need to tolerate Lily till this project gets completed."

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