Of course it is Ash's "fans". Two boys and two girls this time.

"Yes, what do you need?" Ryan tried to sound as polite as he could even though it was starting to get on his nerves.

"Can you call Ash? We want to give him something". One of the girls said, cockiness and rudeness evident in her voice.

"Uh yeah he is, let me call him". He sounded really down. This was getting too much right now and with his growing feelings, it wasn't getting any better.

He goes to the bedroom, "hey few people want to see you. Go and meet them". He said plainly.

"But I'm not expecting any visitors?" Ash said in confusion. "Well they want to meet you so be a little nice and meet". Ryan said, irritation lacing his voice.

Ash felt something was wrong. "Ryan is something-

Again. Why has he stopped calling him sugar?! First it was calling him Ryan one or two times, then frequently and now almost every time?!

"Just go and meet them! I want to relax but your "visitors" are not letting me". He snapped and Ash finally decided to go and see who the hell was troubling him like this.

Ash goes to the door and curses his fate. Can't these people understand the word no?

"What do you want?" He sounded angry. The four people were a bit scared but regardless said, "u-umm we wanted to give you-

"Look I'm gonna keep this simple. Please stop following me around. I have told you several times that i'm not interested in anyone of you guys. Please understand a human's words and feelings for once. I don't want to mislead or give you false hopes. And please stop troubling my roommate too, he is not a mediator or anything".

The four were shocked to say the least. Ash simply shut the door and sighed.

"God what all shit I have to deal with all the time" he thinks before entering the bedroom. Ryan was already soundly sleeping.

He sits on his bed, staring at him with a soft smile.

"You really make my head spin sugar. Just how do you manage to do that?"

Elsewhere ;

"Ugh! I can't believe how bad our luck is. But maybe we were being way too clingy. Let's just forget about it". One of the boys said.

Three of them left the dorms except one person was smirking in victory.

"Knew it. The famous couple's son is actually a fag".

The group decided to go to an arcade since their exams were finally over.

"Guys...this machine is a pain in the ass! No matter how much I try, this stupid thing doesn't even hold the soft toy for even two seconds!!" Liam complains because he's almost broke because of the number of attempts to win a soft toy for Michelle.

"Liam...you're gonna end up on the streets honey, let's just try something else-

"But I wanted to win this for you". He whines, making Michelle wonder how this adorable puppy is a sharp shooter.

Elsewhere, there was evident tension between Ryan and Ash. Ryan decided it was now time to tell him everything. Including his feelings.

He was about to approach Ash who was near a game when a voice suddenly spoke to him.

"You really are a fag aren't you? Just imagine what your parents are gonna do to you when they find out". That voice was laced with disgust.

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