The Grand beginning -1

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*Ring Ring

"Ugh! Shut up , u annoying sleep destroyer" I said as I stopped the alarm clock.

"Stacy! Wake up! U will be late for school at this rate" my mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming mom" I said still feeling sleepy.

"Ah.., another new day to suffer"

"Well time to get ready!" I said to myself and got up to get ready.


After getting ready I looked at the time. It's 8:30 , school starts at 9:00.

"Shit! I am going to be late " I cursed under my breath and ran downstairs to the kitchen to grab a toast.

"Eat ur breakfast and go" mom said.

"Sorry mom! Gotta go, bye! Love u" I gave her a hug and made a break for it after grabbing a toast.

I ran so fast and I could feel the wind against my cheek.

*Panting panting

I should go fast , I don't want another detention again.

Timeskip at school.

Finally! Hah hah I made it.

After calming down I entered the school.

School is great phase of life for many, but for few it is a horrible nightmare.

I am one of that few because I get bullied on daily basis... a lot.

"Hi Stacy! Are u going to tonight's party?" Diana asked me cheerily.

"Hey Dia,no
I am not going to the party , My parents won't allow"

"Oww , I thought we could enjoy together, u know" she said gloomy which earned me a few glares from students around.

Diana is a beautiful girl , a social butterfly and my childhood friend, she is also liked by whole school.

Unlike me who is an average and boring nerd...

And because of that, many friends of hers hate me and bully me.

And of course, Diana doesn't know about it and even if I do tell her , I doubt she would understand what I am going through.

I occasionally nod my head to Diana who was talking about her new boyfriend as we walked to class.

After a painful walk, we finally entered the class.

All heads turning to see us.

"Why is Diana with that? "

"Sigh, Diana is too kind to her"

"No wonder why Diana is not with us , that nerd must been keeping Diana to herself!"

"What a selfish person!"

They whisper about me , well trust me people I too don't know why she is hanging around me too.

Class bell rings and the teacher entered the class .

"Okay, everyone take a seat" said the teacher and she started to take class.



"How dare u hang around Diana?" Said my bully and my former best friend, Tina after pushing me to the wall again.

"Yeah! Know ur place , nerd" Fiona said as she kicked me with high hells as I fell to the ground.

Ouch, that hurts, I heard my rib crack.

I couldn't even cry ,the pain is too much.

"Listen here carefully, if I see u again with Diana, that will the end for u" the leader of the group Venesa warned me.

"Let's go , girls" they left.

After a few minutes of experiencing hell , I collected my battered self and started to go home.

"Ah.. so tired", a lone tear fell my eyes .

Why is it always her..?

Why should I go through this..?

Am I that worthless...?

The voices of my parents telling me to be like Diana rang throughout my head

The voices of my former friends telling me that I am nothing like Diana.

My family, friends, teachers, everyone accusing why I can't be like Diana.

Why do they all expect me to be like her?

It feels like I am not me and that me is caged without any freedom..

Should I just die..?

"Ha ha ,what am I thinking? It's not worth it, Stacy." I said to myself and walked.

Atleast Diana still think me as a friend and only she is nice to me.
I should be thankful for that...

As I walked, I heard familiar voice from a nearby classroom .

"Ha ha ha, U should have seen her face Diana, it looked like a pool of shit!"

''Yeah, it was funny!"

"Guys, why do u always bother Stacy?, She is a good girl" said a all too familiar voice, it was Diana.

"Be quiet, Diana, u don't know about her, she is venomous snake"

"We should teach her a lesson from time to time"said her friends,who were also my former friends.

So she knew...
Yet she didn't stop..

At that time I realised I was a damn fool and they were all toying with me.

I slowly opened the classroom, they all looked at me and stopped laughing and I saw Diana's eyes widening.

She hurriedly said,"Stacy, it's not what you think it is-"

"Why...why did u all do this to me?"

"Was ruining me so funny to u all?"

"Yeah loser, what are you gonna do about it?"said Venesa and other two laughed.

"Stacy,hold on -"Diana started.

"Stop it, just stop it , don't come near me anymore if u really ARE my friend".

I said to Diana and I ran away like a coward, because I couldn't stand them anymore.

It's disgusting... How humans could be so...inhuman.

I stopped at the signal, I just want to go home.., if I have one that is.

Who am I kidding?
They said this teenage stage is hard, but I didn't expect to be like this.

Suddenly, a ball bounced in the middle of the road.

And a kid running after it to grab it.

"Ah! Everyone move out of the way" a truck driver shouted from the distance with no control over the truck.

I didn't know what I thought, was it an impulse?

Or that nagging voice that said, that kid's life is more worth it than my own?

It all happened in a blink of an eye...

I didn't know when my body moved.

The next thing I know is , I was lying on the ground on my own blood..

Ouch that hurts..
Well atleast the kid is safe
And finally..

I can be free...

If only someone came to my rescue...., like I did to that kid, would I have lived a better life....with no regrets..?

With that my world covered in darkness..

[System loading..]

[Suitable host found..]

[Initiating soul bounding...]

[ Process complete].

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