Only those with power can dream.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

As Viserys rose to his feet, the fire of determination burned within him. Together, they would rise from the ashes of their shattered dreams and forge a new path, fueled by the unyielding spirit that ran through their Targaryen blood.

Viserys stood up with a predatory smirked on his face.

" Fire and blood."

End of flashback.

Returning to the present, Viserys overheard Daenerys speaking to one of her handmaids. "Make sure the room has been prepared correctly. We will be having guests soon," she instructed the girl, who promptly nodded and left to carry out her orders.

Daenerys walked over to the table, pouring drinks for both herself and Viserys. Noticing her slightly pale complexion, Viserys expressed his concern. "You look tired."

"I feel tired," she admitted, taking a seat at the table.

Viserys sat opposite her, sipping his drink thoughtfully. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Daenerys replied.

"Why Essos? We rebuilt Valyria, so why are we taking Essos too?" he questioned, his confusion evident.

Daenerys chuckled, setting her drink on the table and walking towards an open window. "Do you want to know what mistakes Aegon the Conqueror made after conquering Westeros?"

Viserys shook his head. "I don't know. Enlighten me."

"Mistake number one: not creating a royal arm to protect just the Targaryen family. I mean, there are the Kingsguards, but they only protect the king and nothing else. Mistake number two: not ensuring that his descendants understand that they are dragons and they don't bow to insects. Mistake number three: calling his kingdom the Seven Kingdoms," she explained, taking another sip of her drink.

"What do you mean by that?" Viserys asked, confused by her last statement.

Daenerys elaborated, her eyes gleaming with ambition. "The moment you conquer something and make it yours, it stops being what it was and becomes what you desire. The Seven Kingdoms were already seven before Aegon's conquest. When he took control, he should have united them into one kingdom but didn't, leaving us vulnerable to leeches and insects preying on us."

Pausing for a moment, she continued, "To answer your question, Viserys, we are dragons. We are possessive creatures, as well as greedy. It makes no sense for there to be only one treasure for us to fight over. Hence, I plan for each of us and our descendants to have something to protect."

Viserys looked at his sister, amazed by her ambition. "So, you will not stop at Valyria, will you?"

"No," Daenerys replied confidently. "Valyria is just the beginning. The Targaryen banner will never waver again. It will soar to new heights, and our family's influence will spread far beyond the confines of our current realm."

As Viserys listened to his sister's bold vision for their future, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and anticipation for what lay ahead. United by their shared determination and strength, the Targaryens would carve their own path and reshape the world in their image.

"So, what is my role in this insanity?" Viserys asked, seeking clarification on his place in Daenerys' grand plan.

Daenerys looked at her brother with unwavering resolve. "You will rule Essos with Missandei as your Imperial Princess Consort. I would marry her myself, but I cannot give her a child. She is my sister in all but blood, and I failed her in my last life. I won't do it again."

Viserys felt a pang of worry, asking, "Will she agree to the arrangement?"

"Yes, I discussed it with her first before bringing it to you. She is, after all, my Hand, and her loyalty is unwavering," Daenerys reassured him.

"Who is to be my second consort?" Viserys asked, intrigued by the strategy at play.

"If all goes according to plan, it will be Margaery Tyrell," Daenerys replied confidently.

"The Tyrell girl?" Viserys was shocked at the mention of the ambitious and cunning noblewoman.

Daenerys explained her reasoning, "The Tyrells may be rich and possess the most fertile lands, but they lack legitimacy. We can offer them that, securing their loyalty and further strengthening our position."

As the full scope of Daenerys' plan unfolded, Viserys couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. "Well then, I better go play my role," he said, preparing to leave.

Just as Viserys was about to exit, one of the handmaidens entered the room, her presence indicating that there was more to discuss in the ever-evolving game of power and alliances.

Ok so originally this was going to be long chapter but I have been not been feeling well lately so I will be divining it into two. As always please let me know what you think.

Targaryen's rebornNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ