If I were you

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We left for Monaco, Arthur, Charles and I the day after the race. We had three weeks off, two of which I would spend with Charles in Monaco. The day after we arrived, Charles had been invited back to his parent's house for dinner, and when his mother heard that I was joining them in Monaco, she invited me right away as well. I had met Pascal various times before, but only as a friend of Arthur and a fellow driver. She was always very sweet towards me, and would always make snacks for Arthur to bring to me. 

A few hours before we had to be at dinner, I was in Charles's bedroom, trying to pick out an outfit. I hadn't had time to go back home before we went from Belgium to Monaco, so I only had the same few outfits I had already worn the last few weeks. Charles came into the room after a while and wrapped his arms around me from behind, placing his head on my shoulder. "What's up, Mon Ange?" He spoke softly and I sighed. 

"I don't know what to wear tonight... I'm tired of wearing the same three outfits all the time." I pouted and felt Charles tighten his arms around my waist. "Let's go out and buy you some new clothes then. You are staying here for two weeks, so we were going to get you some swimwear and such anyway," I turned around in his hold and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Will you come with me?" I asked, not knowing my way around town yet. "Of course, I'll come with you, Chéri!" He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

Charles then showed me around the area and took me to some good stores. I made sure to steer him in the more cheap division of clothes, as I didn't want to spend a fortune, neither did I have one to spend. I wasn't poor or anything, but F2 didn't pay much, compared to F1, so I got some financial support from my father. I ended up trying out a bunch of dresses, some other cute outfits, shoes, bathing suits and much more. Charles ended up bringing almost the whole store to me as I was trying it on, as he kept on finding things he said he 'thought would look pretty'. 

I ended up buying three dresses and some staple items to make as many different outfits as possible. Charles offered to pay, but of course, I refused. I didn't want him spending all his money on me. I decided to wear a pretty black dress with a knitted cardigan on top as well as some stilettos and jewellery to match and make it more classy. 

On the way to Pascal, we picked up Arthur, and I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous to meet their mother again. Was she going to approve of me seeing her son? My knee was shaking a bit as I was in my own thoughts when I felt a hand on my knee. I looked up at Charles and saw him smile back at me. I instantly felt more calm and smiled back at him. 

"So, bro, how are you going to introduce her hm?" Arthur teased, and I listened in carefully. I hadn't even thought about it, but Charles and I hadn't discussed labels or anything like it. We had only been seeing each other for a bit over a week, so was it too fast to meet his mother as anything more than just a friend? "They've already met, Arthur," Charles joked, clearly avoiding the topic. "Yeah, they've met, but only as yn as my friend. But she's probably going to ask where she's staying and such, and what will you say then?" He had a point again.

I know Arthur didn't mean to make me feel insecure, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want it to be awkward, or for Charles to have to rush anything and tell his mother if he didn't want to. "We can just say I'm sleeping in the spare room if you want, I don't mind. Arthur wouldn't have had space for me in his apartment either way, so it won't seem weird." I suggested, even if it did make me feel slightly sad to have to hide from his mother. I could feel Charles look at me, but I just glanced out the window, acting as if it was no bother at all. 

The car went silent after that, and no one seemed to know how to respond. We walked to the front door all together, and Charles was the first to go in, Arthur behind him and me lastly. "Mom! We're home!" Charles yelled out and Pascale came into the room quickly. "Oh, my boys! Welcome home!" She said, hugging and kissing both of them on the cheeks. She then came to me, giving me a hug and a kiss on each cheek as well, "Oh, yn! It's so nice to see you again, how have you been?" She asked and I smiled at her widely. "I'm really good Pascale, how are you?" She smiled and gave me another hug before leading the way to the living room.

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