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I continued to speak and hang out with Lando throughout the rest of our days off, but we kept it strictly friendly after that night. I hadn't heard a single word from Charles though, and I was admittedly starting to miss him. Friday came around and we were in Budapest for the Hungarian race. Our practice race was the second of the day, right after the first free practice for the f1 drivers, so I had to be at the paddock pretty early.

Walking in, I noticed Isack and Arthur were stood in the middle of the paddock, talking, once I arrived. I gave them both a hug and we proceeded to small talk for a while, until the topic landed on me and my break.

"Isack told me you went on a date with Lando Norris?" Arthur spoke up and I glared at Isack while hitting his arm. "I did not go on a date with him! We just went for dinner with George and Carmen." I rolled my eyes. "Well, everyone thinks it was a date." Arthur said in defence, Isack joining in, "Even Lando did!" I groaned out loud. "He did not! I spoke to him already, we are just friends!" 

I noticed, Arthur glancing at the Ferrari garage and then back at me, having a mischievous look on his face. I was about to ask him about it, but Isack was quick to change the subject again, having just as a mischievous look on his face. "Let's take a picture and post to our Instagram guys! Show everyone that we're back on the track!" This wasn't unusual for us, we took pictures at almost every race together. 

This time, we took a selfie, standing in a circle and looking down at the phone. Isack captioned it 'Back on track - FP gonna be fun today!', then tagged both Arthur and me. I reposted it immediately, and then Isack and I left to get to our garage. 

The day went by quickly, free practice went pretty well and it was nice to be back and working with the team. I felt my mind finally back to normal, and I could focus with no problem whatsoever. I finished P4 in the free practice and could relax mostly for the rest of the day since qualifying wasn't until the next day. 

I did have a few PR things to get done though, such as a video for the F2 social media with Isack. Every team had to do it, it was a 'how well do you know your teammate' kind of video. It took place in an open room in the middle of the hallway between the garages though, meaning people kept passing by. 

At one point, Max and Charles walked by and Max noticed us immediately. Isack and I both waved, but suddenly Max wanted to come to say hi on the video, leaving Charles awkwardly in the background. I tried to ignore him the best I could, but it was hard as I felt his eyes on me the whole time. "Max, Max! Do you have any good advice for your junior drivers?" The producer said and Max sat down between us, thinking about it. "Come on Charles, let's give them some advice!" He yelled and Charles had no choice but to join as well.

Charles sat down beside me, greeting the cameras. "My advice to my junior drivers is to not stress out too much on the track!" Max spoke up and Isack and I both chuckled. "What about you, Charles?" Max then spoke, and we all looked at Charles now. "Yes, I agree, no stress and eyes on the track." He said awkwardly and we all laughed at the whole situation.

"How close are the f1 and f2 drivers this year?" was the next question and we all looked around at each other. "Closer than ever!" Max then chimed in and we all nodded in agreement. "Especially in our case, Max is always wishing us good luck and giving us advice before the races," Isack added, to which I nodded. "Yeah, I mean, we haven't received anything but support from all f1 drivers and their teams as well," I added and Max proceeded to wrap his arms around me and Isack.

"We're like one big family!" He joked and ruffled our hair before abruptly leaving the interview with Charles. "One big family, he said," Isack repeated and we both laughed while fixing our hair. On their way out, Charles ran into Lando and they stopped to speak. I couldn't help but watch them, while we were taking a break from the video. 

Love and Rivalry {Female F1 driver}Where stories live. Discover now