Center Ace

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Third pov

The Dragon Slayers groan as they get off the bus and face-planted on the ground trying to get rid of the motion sickness. Some of them even had to be dragged out of the bus. Sunny leans on Nishinoya and shakes the motion sickness away. Kuroo and Kai were waiting for them. Traison and Heath were about to stand up and shake the motion sickness off when they felt a fist impact on their cheeks.

"You guys are fucking assholes" Rosella came out of nowhere and punched them in the face. The Karasuno team stood there in shock. Kuroo and Kai sweatdrop when they see their girlfriend punch her friends.

"OW, WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Traison shouted.

"YEAH, WE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!" Heath yelled out loud. Rosella just stared at them and gave them an empty container. The two were confused before turning white and pale when they recognised the container and slowly looked up at Rosella's death stare.

"I found this in my bag when I was going to grab it from the fridge and it was nowhere to be found when I looked inside after arriving at the training camp. The container is empty and my fried rice is gone. A little birdie told me they saw two dragon slayers eat the whole thing and put it in my bag so I wouldn't notice it. You guys are dead" Rosella said in her dragon voice. Traison and Heath scream in fear and horror and run for their lives when Rosella shoots her magic at them.

"Get back here, you assholes" Rosella yelled while the two were screaming and running away from their leader.

"Hey, you guys weren't meant to fight. Rosella, stop bashing them" Cameron tried to stop them but they all fell on deaf ears. Then, Jenna came up to them bashed their heads and made them stop holding their heads where they got hit.

"Hey, aren't you missing a few people" Kuroo ask when Kageyama and Hinata ain't with them.

"Oh um, you see. Kageyama and Hinata had to take one redo exam since they only failed one subject" Daichi said.

"Ah, so they had to take supplementary lessons" Kuroo smirked.

"Hey, you better tell us what score you had in your exam. Rosella" Traison pointed at her.

"Oh, first. I want to know what score you guys have first and then I'll tell you mine since we're in different schools" Rosella grinned.

"I had 87," Traison said.

"85" Heath muttered.

"I got 90" Aiden smiled.

"I got 92" Sunny grinned.

"Well, at least you guys pass, but I got 100" Rosella smugs. Traison and Heath glared at her.

"WHAT THE HELL" They both shouted and Rosella laughed at them.

"Hey, Rosella. Hurry back in the gym. So, you can beat your friends in the dust" Kuroo smirked.

"Oh, yeah, see you guys in the gym and we're going to beat you again" Rosella stuck her tongue out and Traison and Heath growled and went to chase her down.

"Alright, you guys can head to the gym when you're ready. The rest of the teams are already there" Kuroo said walking back in the gym.

"Got it," Daichi said.

Time skip

After Karasuno got changed, they walked into the gym to see 4 teams practising with many people.

"Whoa, it's so big" Sunny awed.

"No freaking way" Heath gaped as he saw the gym and teams. Traison saw Rosella wearing a black shirt and red shorts and laughed out loud.

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