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Third POV (8 years later)

Jay and Thomas were relaxing in their bed when the sun was beaming down on them. Thomas woke up when the sun hit his face. He tried to get up but arms wrapped around his waist holding him down on the bed and looked at his husband.

"Don't leave, you're warm" Jay mumbled and buried his face in the crook of Thomas' neck.

"Babe, we need to get up and get those kids off to school. And you have work to go" Thomas whispered.

"The kids can get ready for the first day back" Jay muttered and leaned over to Thomas to kiss him. Only to hear yelling coming from downstairs.

"Heath, I told you. I'm not going to buy you anything at the canteen. Go get it yourself or get Tanaka to get it for you because I'm not getting it"

"It's just one thing. One thing from the canteen, Traison. Stop being a baby about it"

"Would you shut up, you two are so annoying"

"Shut up, Rebecca"

"No one asks you to butt in"

"Yeah, you can just butt out"

"What the hell did you say"

"If you don't shut up. I kick your asses out of the house"

"Sorry ma'am"

Jay sighed and pulled away and was about to send an icicle downstairs, but Thomas slapped his hand down and crossed his arms.

"Don't cross your arms at me. I know you're going to send an icicle at them. They're just kids" Thomas said.

"But, did they have to be loud in the morning?" Jay muttered rubbing his temple.

"Yeah, let's go and check what they're yelling about?" Thomas said getting out of bed, before placing a kiss on Jay's cheek and going into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Time skip

Jay and Thomas walk downstairs, all fresh and ready to see the 9 teenagers and a small boy in the living room. 3 were on the ground kneeling and eating their food in their hands and just sitting on the floor. While the rest were at the table eating their food.

"Alright, what is with the loud yelling? It's too early for you guys to be yelling so much" Thomas sternly looked at them.

"Hey Mom" Felix smiled with a bit of food stuck to his cheek and Sunny wiped it off with a napkin.

"Those 2 were yelling at each other about buying stuff from the canteen and Rebecca told them to shut up and Jenna yelled at them and also threatened to kick their butts out of the house" Cameron finished. Rebecca, Traison, and Heath glared at the ice dragon slayer who continued eating his breakfast.

"Yeah, that sums up everything Cameron said," Rosella said, choosing another song from her phone.

"Alright, hurry up and eat your breakfast. First day back to school now. And also some of you are in your third year of high school here. Make sure to make lots of memories with your friends" Thomas smiled.

"Yeah, make some memories, Rebecca," Rosella teased and Rebecca glared at her.

"Shut up, you stupid midget" Rebecca scoffs. Rosella was about to say something but was cut off when Jenna glared at the two of them and made them eat their food.

"Alright, finish your food and get going. You don't want to be late on the first day and some of you are starting high school to be first years. Hurry up and 3 of you go to different schools as well" Jay said.

Dragon Slayers In A New World (Haikyuu x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt