The Match and Fight

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Sunny's pov

After we won a set from Sejioh, I could sense something was wrong. I can see in Romeo's eyes that he's worried about something. But, I just have to focus on the match right and deal with a problem later.

I don't see my sister watching the match this whole time. I thought she wanted to watch the match, maybe she went back to Nekoma and Rebecca dragged her here. I'm not sure, but I need to clear my mind now, so I can focus on the match.

Third pov

The match went on and it was going well. Sunny received it and sent it to Kageyama and Hinata ran forward to spike it but Kindaichi blocked it. Kunimi did a feint and Nishinoya quickly saved it. Kageyama set the ball to Asahi and spiked it but Oikawa saved it. Even if he can't set the ball, Watari, their Libero jumped behind the attack line and set it to Oikawa as he spiked it down.

Oikawa served and Daichi received it. Kageyama set it to Asahi as he spiked it and Maikk received it, but instead gave Karasuno a chance ball. Sunny saw Hinata jump to push it back over the net to get a point but was suddenly stopped when Oikawa stopped the ball from going to their side and set it to Iwaizumi who spiked it down.

"Take that!" Iwaizumi exclaimed.

"All right" Aoba Johsai announced as Sunny watched Oikawa and Iwaizumi high-five.

"That was so close to the edge," Cameron said, Sunny nodded to him.

'Wonder what their game plan is' Sunny thought.

Meanwhile outside of Sendai Gym. Rosella and Rebecca glared at the man smirking while no one was around.

"So, I see my ungrateful daughter and her stupid friend are going to stop me from killing everyone here. I guess" The man smirks. Rosella had an irk mark on her forehead and was about to burst into flames and Rebecca glared at him.

"Rosella and I can take you down and you're not going to get past us, Father" Rebecca said in a hateful voice.

"Yeah, you're going down, James" Rosella growled.

"Hmph, I like to see you try. Rosella De La Hoya and my daughter, Rebecca Smith. Come at me with everything you got" James smirked as the two girls charged at the man with their magic out.

In the Sendai Gym, Sunny was swapped back in with Tanaka after he had a mental breakdown before but he was feeling better and it was his turn to serve. He was trying to get a serves ace, but Matsun didn't want that and saved it. They were gaining point after point and were in the lead. And then when the ball was above the net. But suddenly, Kageyama came into view and did a one-handed set. Hinata came from behind and slammed down the ball, getting the point Karasuno needed to get to set point as well. The gym went silent before Karasuno jumped and cheered.

"All right!"

"You go, guys" Aiden cheered along with the other benchers. And now it's a dunce between two teams.

Both teams went to take a break from their coaches. Romeo handed out water and towels to his team with a smile. But, inside, he's shaking when he knows something is happening soon.

"Romeo, want to give out pointers. Hey, are you ok, there son? You seem to be worried about something" Romeo snapped out of it and saw the coaches and team were staring at him.

"Oh, I'm fine, I think I was thinking too hard about the match," Romeo said.

"Romeo, you know you're a liar. Ever since we saw you and been with you, we can tell what's bothering you" Makki said leaning close to Romeo. Romeo frowns and looks away.

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