Chapter 26 - Bottle

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This chapter takes place on the same day as the previous chapter...

I eventually got home after driving for what felt like eons. Pie let me stay at her house, but I wanted to be alone for a bit. All of these things happening at once were making me exhausted. I opened the door with caution, as I figured my dad would be super pissed if he remembered that I knocked him out. "Bottle, you're so dumb. Why would you go back to this place?" I asked myself. Nonetheless, I cranked the knob and peered inside the house. My dad was asleep on the couch. I snuck my way upstairs and looked inside the bathroom. There was no more blood on the ground. I figured my dad woke up and cleaned it. I went to my room and locked the door behind me.

"Bottley! You in there?" My dad asked while knocking on the door.

I decided not to respond. Instead, I took my phone out and started browsing my texts.

"I just wanna talk," My dad said, this time, louder.

Once again, I didn't respond, as I didn't want to alert my dad that I was in there. I bet if he got his hands on me, he would try to seriously injure me on purpose. I've gotten used to that happening after living in the house for the past 17 years of my life.

"Bottle, open the fucking door, or else I'm going to kick it down."

My dumb self got up and opened the door. I saw my dad smiling at me as I opened it.

"Hey, Bottley! How are you, sweetheart?" My dad grinned.

Having to give a response, I perked up. "I'm okay, Dad. Thanks for asking."

"There's the girl I remember," My dad smiled again, this time more sinister.

"Why did you knock me out with a hairdryer?" He asked.

"I-I-I-I don't remember that happening."

"Now now, Bottley boo, don't try to lie to your old man. I still remember what you did to me. I'm not mad, I just wanna talk. Why don't you come downstairs to chat?"

My dad took me by the arm and walked me downstairs.

"Why do you look concerned? Are you okay sweetie? I don't want my girl to have negative feelings."

"I'm fine," I shrugged.

As he was walking me down the stairs, I felt his hand reach down my sleeve. He touched my armpit and put his other hand on my chest.

"What are you doing?" I asked, pulling away.

My dad didn't answer. He just kept walking me down the stairs.

We made it downstairs. My dad sat on the couch, while I just stood in the hallway.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" I steadily asked.

"Bottley, I was very hurt when you knocked me out with a blow dryer."

"I'm sorry, Dad, I-"

"Hush. It's okay, Bottle. I forgive you. I'm not mad. You're my angel."

"Thanks, Dad," I responded, deadpan. I knew he didn't mean anything he said. He was a master at manipulation. That's why my mom left him.

"So, Bottley, can you do me a favor?" My dad asked, smiling straight at me.

"Yeah? What would you like?" I asked, fake-smiling.

"Can you get me a beer from the cooler?"

"Dad, you've already drunk seven cans today. It's not even evening yet," I argued.

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