Chapter One: Cadō

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Another object made a trajectory toward him, but it was more metal this time.

"I want my refund; this was not what I was promised."

A man in his late forties with wrinkles all over his body resembling water flowing down a river yelled, his voice cracking with each syllable.

Dusty shifted his hat and pointed his cane at him.

"Well, you should have read the sign, no refunds."

"I will kill you, good-for-nothing clown."

Dusty swiftly eyes the bartender, who is cleaning and arranging his nearly clear glass cups.

"You know the rules, Quinn; no violence in my bar."

Wrinkles form on his forehead, and he clenches his fist as he looks at Dusty and then back at the bar owner.

"But... but this was an obvious scam, Constantine."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"This is the wasteland; what can you expect?"

He flips his table, and a half-eaten soup filled with maggots becomes part of the floor.

"I'm done with this; my shift starts soon. I can't with this."

He storms out of the bar, slamming the doors, almost bringing the entire establishment down in one swift motion.

"Well, that was melodramatic; some people are too dense to understand true perfection, you know."

The crowd of people, well, I wouldn't call it a crowd. From what I can remember of that day, including myself, there were only five people there, and none left happy.

"Hey, you kind gentleman over there, brooding in the corner, how did you like my performance?"

I was too distracted to hear him the first time.

"Hello, hello, Bruce Wayne, the Dark Knight, can you hear me? Am I talking to a wall or what."

"What do you want?" I responded, not knowing the conversation I dragged myself into.

"Finally, I can see you are a man of exquisite taste. How was my performance huh?"

I gently placed my equipment on the rusted table and glared at him.

"It was lackluster at best; I'm glad I didn't pay to hear that nonsense."


" Now, leave me alone."

As people slowly murmured and hissed, they dispersed from the bar. Dusty gently hops off the stage, almost as light as a feather, and within a matter of seconds, I could feel his breath violating my neck.

"Well then, fine, what's your name? I haven't seen you around this part of town."

"Leave me alone; I'm busy."

"Don't be so rude; I am just trying to make some conversation."

I slid the table I was working on aside, knocking dust and debris off. I stood up, resting my hand on the table.

" Oh, Mr.Lone wolf is this how you treat everyone you meet."

I could feel a vein on my head threatening to pop.

" I am not in the mood to talk. I have too much to do."

I gathered my gear and tools and headed towards the entrance. I used my dingy jeans to wipe the shrapnel of rust off my hands. However, I continued, my footsteps louder with each step.

Mankinds last SilhouetteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz