"Fine..." I rolled my eyes "It's about Blaze. Today it isn't a good day for going out..." I tried to say as I kept thinking back to last year and the mess it was "Blaze had a sister a long time ago when he was little, he liked her a lot but unfortunately she had leukemia and... ended up passing away "

"Oh god that's awful! I didn't knew" my mom said taking her hands to her heart "is he okay? Shouldn't you make him like a soup?"

"We already have a plan. We eat and then we got to the cemetery like he does every year but this time he has someone next to him" I claimed

"Aren't you getting quite emotional and sensitive for him?" she asked making me roll my eyes

"Did you come to gaslight my marriage again?" I questioned while tasting the pâté I just made

"I did not" she stated as she took a bit of the pâte with a finger

"More Mayo I know" I said before she could even speak

"What about his family?" my mom asked while watching me add more mayonese into the pâte

"His family?" I thought about it... his family is barely here "They sort of disowned him" I mumbled making my mom unexpectedly angry

"THEY WHAT?" she shouted

"They kind of don't like him, because he didn't follow the family career"

"But he is successful... what does it matter?"

"Good question Ma! I don't know.... They are pretty weird, and very catholic but a weird catholic they looked like either psychopaths or a cult" I said thinking back to the day I met the Keller family

"Catholic? And abandon their child? They are just frauds"

"Yeah... I think they are just pretty damaged from their obsessed bloodline and not to mention their kid's death " I said while mixing the pâté "which they also blame on him" I mumbled

"They blame their daughter's death on the big?" she asked revolted, and I quickly realized I had told my mother a few details that I shouldn't but somehow my mom as this effect on me, she is like my best friend although we fight a lot I love to talk with her and tell her my problems and life and somehow this was bottled up and I couldn't really tell it to anyone... gosh what did I do

"Mom...you shouldn't know about that" I mumbled "what did I do? He is going to be so mad at me"

"Calm down is not like I am going to tell everyone" she said making my eyes widened that was actually a very possible thing to happen

"Mom!" I quickly grabbed her hands "Forget all of this just eliminate it from your mind"

"I can't just forget it" she stated in an obvious tone

"Just draw a big veil over it, Ma! PLEASE!" I begged her holding both her hands, she lifted an eyebrow watching my despair

"Fine....but you owe me"

"Ok," I said with a smile

"When I ask you for something you better do it," She said getting up from the chair

"What do you want?"

"I dont know" she shrugged her shoulders "Let me think about a way of torturing my daughter" she laughed making my face drop at her amusement

"I am leaving" she announced grabbing my face with both her hands and kissing each one of my cheeks " I love you, Mija" she grabbed her bag and made her way to the elevator

"Love you" I said with my heart tight, she left me alone and I had to sit down for awhile. God, I am so stupid! How could I told my mom about this? Well... he didn't ask for secrecy, but he also didn't say that I could tell who I wanted. Oh god this guilt will bottle up on me and I won't bear to face him. I can lie, I am pretty good at lying but at games not at things like these, well and at telling my marriage is real, apparently I am good at that too.

"Hey..." his sleppy voice woke me from my thoughts "what are you doing?" he asked me while upstairs probably the smell of the food had reached his nose "smells good"

"Hey" I said while shaking my head trying to focus, he came down and I saw the bags under his puffy and red eyes. He was probably crying since I left the bedroom not to mention he didn't sleep at all. My heart ached at this sight, at the sight of his broken heart. "I made fried chicken" I informed making a small smile appear, he walked near me and I grabbed his face with both my hands, when he felt my touch his face rested into the palms of my hands. "Let's eat, yeah?" I whispered at him he simply shook his head up and down and I prepared his plate.

Seeing him so low was truly a sight I hated. The impact this day had on him was pretty clear.

He took a few bites and ate with some difficulty. I took the car since he wasn't that well and we drove to the cemetery but before we arrived I stopped at a florist.

Once there is face turned even sadder it was like it finally impacted him. I took the bouquet of flowers and the umbrella from the backseat. Seems like in this day it's always raining, even the sky is sad.

I opened the umbrella and got out of the car, I was about to open his door so we could share the umbrella but once I looked over the window he wasn't there already.

I looked around and found him wandering around the cemetery in the rain walking towards her.

I followed him quietly, noticing that he might need some time alone with his sister, but since it was raining I didn't want him to get drenched in water and sick. If he got sick, the night terrors could come back so I accelerated my pace, trying not to lose him from my sight and also not lose my balance and fall into the slippery wet rain.

He was already crouched down near her grave, crying his heart out I watched him from far away. I believe that his guilt is still very intact inside of him since his parents do everything for him to remember what he did, which is all a big bunch of lies. He blames himself for his sister's death, which is crushing him inside and I bet that wherever she is, she is not at peace looking at the state of her brother when he wasn't at fault.

I wish she could somehow tell him that she is fine and it wasn't his fault.

While his tears fell to the ground landing on her grave, my heart ached at his pain.

I got near him placing a hand on his shoulder and protecting us both from the rain.

I crouched to his level, his knees were now in the wet grass. I cleaned his face with my hands and he hugged me, a very tight hug and clearly a much-needed one. It was like once he hugged me all of the weight he had over his shoulders dissipated, he was sharing his cries, his sorrows and his burdens.

I realized then, how lonely must he have felt during these years with no single soul by his side, so he could open up to and share the burden of this part of his life.

"Oh... baby," I said softly placing the flowers on the ground by her gravestone and once with a free hand I took the chance to embrace him.

My head was over his, and his face was hidden in the crook of my neck while he cried silently, his tears started to soak my coat but I just caressed his head, stroking his hair gently while the other hand held the umbrella.

"It's okay" I mumbled kissing his head while his strong grip held my waist. I couldn't take any longer in this position so I knelt down on the wet dirt and grass while he held me steady.

His crying broke my heart, and when I noticed I felt the tears rolling down my face.

"Thank you" he whispered against my neck

"I'm here... no matter what" I stated making his grip strengthen.

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