A Night In

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Annabella Santo's POV

The flower shop is quiet today. The chimes by the open windows move and sing their tunes. It has been too quiet today but that's just me.

"Need anything else Aunty Abella?" Lincoln, my teenage nephew with bright green eyes that always had a calming effect whenever I looked into them.

"Nope!" I shook my head smiling at him. "Thanks for the help with the heavy stuff today!" I thank and he gives me a big hug.

"Aunty..." He tries letting go and I squeeze him tighter to me.

"I'm going to miss you so much when you leave for college!" I feel my heart break all over again.

"I will always come back for the holidays aunty." He promises and I let go but not before wiping my eyes so he doesn't see my tears.

"California is so far away." I whine and he gives me a great big smile.

"You have always been like a mother to me and no distance is going to change that." He hugs me again and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Nothing, mama." He hugs me tighter and this time my heart does break.

My sister-in law died when he was only two and I helped my brother raise him for the past sixteen years. He is leaving for Standford next week and I feel like I'm going to lose it without him here.

"Don't forget about us when you make it big." I say through a sob and he hugs me tighter.

"If I make it," He stands back and wipes my eyes as he looks down at me from his impressive higth and smiles at me. "I will take you with me." He promises and kisses my cheeks again.

"I knew this day would come one day but you will always be my baby!" I cry out and he hugs me again and lets go with a chuckle.

"I have to go now, mama." He smiles and kisses my knuckles. "Shay is waiting for me."

"Of, course!" I smile weakly and he bends down lower and closes his eyes.

"En El Nombre Del Padre, Del Hijo, Y Del Espiritu Santo," I put my knuckle to his lip sand he kisses it.

"Amen." He says and gives me another one of his great smiles and I wink and wave him away. "See you at the party tonight!"

"As if!" I sniff and he laughs opening the shop door, the bell on top jingling in a soft chime as it closes and he's gone.

I have been breaking down ever since he got his acceptance letter. My brother has been having a lot of trouble too. No one wanted him to leave but he has to grow up and live his life.

Shay is very good to him too. My brother Miguel had a rough time accepting his son was gay but he loves him and he came around sooner than I had imagined.

I went to the back of the shop to get ready to close for the day.

The Christmas party for Miguel's construction company was at the local community center and everyone in town was going. It's not that I didn't like people but I didn't like the way some of the men looked at me. I have never really dated much and have mostly kept busy with my business and Lincoln. Raising my nephew has been a blessing for me because I never got a chance to marry. Well, I sort of refused to and I haven't let any man that close to me, ever.

That should tell you enough.

Aside from helping raise Lincoln and my flower shop, I have a degree in accounting which also makes me one of the few accountants in town. Needless to say that I'm always busy.

No time for dating.

I finished putting everything away and headed out.

It's so cold this time of year! My face feels like it's burning with the freezing breeze.

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