A Life Behind

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Endgame taught us many lessons but the most important one it taught me was that life is a blessing and we have to always do what we can to appreciate it.

I appreciate my life and everything that has happened since I awoke from the ice. Yet, I feel like I don't belong. This time isn't for me even though I have adapted.

After returning the stones, I knew I had an opportunity to go back to Peggy but I also understand the complications that could come with that.

It could change the future and everything we all worked so hard to bring back.

"Capsule?" I look to find Tony Stark in his black suit and ready for the press conference about to happen in the other room. "I thought you weren't coming to this?" He raises an eyebrow and removes his large sunglasses.

"Just came to say goodbye." I say standing and his eyes go wide.

"What?" He reaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"I need time." I respond and he shakes his head.

"Where?" He asks again, eyes glaring in thought now.

"Upstate." I shrug and he smiles softly and leans back tapping his chest.

"I have a place that was meant to serve as a safe house and it's in a small town with lots of trees and a couple of lakes near by." He explains and motions to Happy who is walking up to us.

"It's okay, Tony, that's not necessary." I shake my head and he nods at Happy again who smiles at me.

"Get the keys to Mason 5." Tony asks him and Happy nods and goes back the way he came from in the compound.

"Tony..." I say in warning and he waves me off.

"Please let me do this for you." He says softly and Pepper comes out of the big double doors that show flashing cameras from where she came from.

"Steve?" She asks taking Tony's arm and tilts her head to the side in question.

"Just came to say goodbye before I move out."

Pepper's eyes widen but then she nods in understanding.

"Don't forget about us." Tony says as Happy comes back with a small black bag in his hands.

"Here you go." Happy hands me the bag and I look at Tony in question.

"Just some things you might need along the way." Tony pats my arm but then I pull him in for a hug.

"Thank you, my friend." I say as I let go and hug Pepper then Happy.

"Don't be a stranger." Happy mumbles as I let go.

"Thank you for everything." I give Tony a nod and then Pepper.

I feel like I'm leaving a life behind but I know they will always be there when I need them. Just like I'll be there for them.

I make it out of the compound and to my Harley. I get on and zip up my jacket with the bag Tony gave me in my breast pocket.

End of Chapter.

I know it's short but I just wanted to get this up first.

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