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Anne's POV:
The four of us made our way to the hospital, but of course there were some problems when we entered, as usual.

"What do you mean I can't see him? I'm his wife!"

"As I said before, I would need to see some sort of proof that you are married to him."

"You need proof? How about the ring on my finger, or the fact that we have a one year old daughter and I am pregnant with our second child?!? Is that enough proof for you?"

"I suppose. But if you are lying, I will ban you from this hospital for life."

We all make our way back to where Phillip is, and I instantly get Deja vu. He looks so lifeless, and the only way I know he's alive is the rise and fall of his chest.

I slowly walk over to him, and sit on the end of the bed, just like last time. I grab his hand, and I just look at him, trying to hold back my tears.

Suddenly, I feel W.D's hand on my shoulder, and I look at him.

"You look even more sad than last time. You okay?"

"I think it's because this time, I know that we're married and have a daughter, and there's so much I could lose this time."

"We'll give you some alone time with him."

I can hear their footsteps getting quieter and quieter, and then we're alone. I suddenly feel like singing to him again.

"What if we...rewrite the stars. Say you were...made to be mine. Nothing can...keep us apart. You're the one I was meant to...f-f-f-find."

As I say the last line, I feel the tears going down my face, and I can feel a sob escape my mouth.

I slowly get up, not wanting Phillip to hear me crying. I glance at him one more time before walking out.

After realizing Phillip wasn't waking up yet, we headed out, my brother's arm around me tightly. Of course I want to make sure Phillip is alright, but the show must go on, they say.

I don't want the show to go on without him, though.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, I guess." I shrugged into W.D's side, being so close to him.

"It's perfectly alright if you aren't, Anne, but does it make you feel a little better now that you saw him intact and saw him breathing?"

"Yes, I suppose. I'm still worried, though. Even though he's alive, he's not awake, and one of my favorite parts of our relationship is the conversations we have. I miss him and I want to hear his voice."

"I know, I'm sorry. Do you want someone to stay with you tonight? I can help take care of Amelia until we go to practice tomorrow."

"Sure, W.D, that'd be great."

"Is she staying with Charity and P.T tomorrow?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. I might just keep her with us. I want to hold the family I have got tight."

"I understand that. Come on, let's get you home."

The next day, I make my way to the tent with W.D and Amelia, meeting the others there. They've already begun running parts of the act.

Of course, they're affected by the incident with the fire, but I know it's a whole deeper thing for me.

Even though Amelia is just a baby, I think she's sensing that her dad isn't here. Her confused and slightly saddened expressions break my heart. She has no idea what's going on.

"Dada?" She looks at me in confusion.

"You'll see him soon. Go with Lettie." I say, trying to smile rather than breaking down in tears. Maybe if I work on my act I'll feel better, or at least I could distract myself for a little while.

That's what trapeze does for me. It takes me into my own world for a while, before reality comes crashing back down on me.

If Phillip knew what I was doing while pregnant, he would be so upset. But he doesn't know. If only.

"Be careful, Anne." W.D says, concern present in his words.

"I'll be fine." I called back, adjusting the ropes.

The truth is, I probably should've done slightly simpler and less risky tricks up there, but it was relaxing to say the least. Everything came so easily when doing this. It felt like I could take the world if I wanted to. But I just want my husband back.

No matter how good it felt to get back to trapeze, I couldn't stop the fatigue and slight nausea. I'm fine. I need to go see Phillip again.

Now here's the real question. Do I take Amelia? What if he doesn't wake up? What if she senses that something's wrong? Babies are smarter than we all think.

I'll just bring her when he's already woken up. I'll have my brother watch her while I go alone today.

As soon as I've finished working- I had to do a bit of the paperwork Phillip's missed- I make my way to the hospital. Phillip looks a bit better today, not as pale, and actually like he's living, no longer lifeless.

"Hi." I sat in a rather uncomfortable chair beside him, moving as close as I could. I brush some of his hair out of his face. "How are you doing?" I'm so delusional, refusing to believe that he might not hear me.

"I think Amelia could sense that you weren't there today. Everyone really misses you. The circus isn't the same without you. I really miss you too. I miss going on dates with you. I miss seeing you being the best dad to Amelia. I miss you at practice. I really need you, Phillip. Please, if you can hear me, wake up." I feel more tears streaming down my face.

Suddenly, I see Phillip shifting on the bed, and then I see his eyes slowly open. I can only stutter out his name.


Stars rewritten (sequel to rewriting the stars) (a PhillipxAnne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now