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The reveal...

The air in the crowded bar hangs thick with anticipation, the hushed chatter revealing a mix of excitement and curiosity. Finley and Robbie stand at the center of attention, each holding a glass containing either a pink or a blue mocktail. The entire room is on edge, awaiting the moment when the gender of their unborn child will be revealed.

As the couple exchanges a glance, a wave of suspense washes over the gathering. Glasses are raised, and bets are whispered among the patrons. The energy is palpable, a collective hope and eagerness to witness the revelation. Each person holds their breath, eyes fixed on the couple, waiting for the decisive moment when one of the glasses will be raised.

In this painfully quiet moment, emotions swirl - the thrill of guessing, the shared joy, and the universal anticipation of welcoming a new life into the world. The pink and blue mocktails shimmer with possibility, and the room holds its breath for the grand reveal that will mark the beginning of a new chapter for Finley and Robbie.

Fin picks up the girl and Robbie picks up the boy. Each taking a delicious sip of each. The bar is silent and Mav blinks. "Are you having twins?"

"Oh," she furrows her brows and looks to her dad with light smile, "did I not mention that?" Cheering erupts again and eventually the music is put back on.  Penny kisses her head and Robbie hugs Penny as a thanks for pulling it off. The squad follows them to the pool table where a conversation ensues.

"Twins?" Bradley asks.

Robbie nods his head drinking his Blue Lagoon. "Yup."


"Thanks guys," and Fin actually accepts a hug from Hangman. Their friendship has gotten better over the last year and a half much like his friendship with Bradley. Though she really thinks they should be dating already. They suit each other.

Natasha wraps in a bear hug congratulating her over and over while the guys treat Robbie with hand shakes. Bradley follows suit kissing her cheek and smothering her with love.

Amidst the clatter of pool balls and raucous laughter from the Dagger Squad, the news of twins reverberates through the bar. The revelation hangs in the air, catching everyone off guard, yet the joy that follows is infectious. The room erupts into cheers, and the congratulations cascade over Finley and Robbie.

As they resume their game, the pool table becomes a backdrop to the ongoing celebration. The realization that it's not just one, but a boy and a girl on the way, adds an extra layer of excitement. Finley's own history as a twin makes the news feel serendipitous.

The Dagger Squad, caught between sips of beer and playful banter, showers Robbie with celebratory drinks. Meanwhile, Finley finds herself surrounded by an array of fruity mocktails, each concoction a toast to the impending arrival of their twins. The air is charged with jubilation, and the bar transforms into a lively haven of happiness, echoing with laughter and well-wishes for the expanding family.

"I have to ask, have you guys picked out names?"

Everyone glances at the couple expectantly but Mav swoops in to 'save' them.

"They just found out, Phoenix," Mav says.

While they're grateful he is trying to give them a little space to think right, there was no need. Fun bows her head slightly and Robbie squeezes her shoulder. "Actually, we do."

Maverick makes a face, "excuse me?"

She snorts, "sorry, dad, must have slipped my mind. We've actually known since we got married. Although with everything that happened last year we changed things up a little bit."

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you," Javy asks.

She nods, "why do you think I accepted a honorable discharge after my last mission?"

"Fin came up with the idea after Reuben brought her back on the ship. We've talked about having a family of our own for years. She just wanted to finish her deployment in Afghanistan first before calling it quits."

Nat tucks a strand of hair behind her ears, "you weren't lying when you hinted that to me did you?"

"No," she smiles. "I love the Navy and I love flying but I wanted a family for so long. If any of the deployments I have been on taught me anything it's that life is short. I didn't want to wait anymore."

"I'm happy for you guys. Now, what about those names," she shakes her head at Dylan.

"I'll have you know, our little boy or girl won't be named after you." Dylan pouts and Nat laughs at him. "Babe, do you want to tell them the girl and I'll say the boy?"

Robbie nods, "Sarah-Grace Hope Floyd." The crew awes at the name. "In honor of both of our moms it felt right. Hope I think can be said for obvious reasons."

"And the boy?" Bradley asks hopefully.

She snorts, "Thomas Mitchell Floyd."

Everyone looks to Maverick who's shocked to his core. "Is he—"

"named after you? Yeah, like I said we made some changes. You're my dad but so is Ice. After everything we knew it was right to use you both. You both had that right, even more so now."

Mav sniffles before pulling his daughter into a short embrace. She holds him in the same way. Out of nowhere, Amelia joins the hug and the two spilt.

"I downloaded that video to YouTube. It was way better than any military homecoming video."

Fin laughs and pulls the young girl close to her. "I expected nothing less from you. Shit, that means I need to tell Oaklynn right away."

"You told me before you told him? Aw, you do love me more." In response to Dylan's comment she throws the lemon slice from her drink and throws it at him. "Rude."

She swiftly pulls out her phone and the ultrasound from her back pocket. She snaps a picture sending it to Oaklynn with the caption: Uncle Oak Tree coming 2023.

She covers her face to suppress a laugh as Phoenix snatches the ultrasound from her hands. "Hey, little sister, mind giving me another one?"

Amelia furrows her brows taking the now empty glass from her hands. "Little sister?"

Fin raises a brow, "please with Mav basically ground him and Penny aren't going anywhere. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't popped the question yet."

The two girls look to him which stops the aviators to do the same. Mav opens his mouth but nothing comes out. "Don't put me on the spot like that."

She bites her lip with a smile. "You already bought the ring, didn't you?"

He's about to speak but Penny walks over with new drinks for Robbie and Fin. After a moment of awkward silence her father gives her a pointed look. "Don't. Say. Anything."

"I. Fucking. Knew. It! Yes!" She claps him on the shoulder, "I'm proud of you dad." She turns to the others. "I know it's getting late but Roost," he looks at her, "care to play something?"

He smirks and drags the group over to the piano. Eventually, his fingers fly across the piano and her heart swells as everyone begins to sing along. Robbie on one side of her, her dad on the other, and Dylan on the other with his arm wrapped around Phoenix and Mavericks arm around his shoulders.

She leans in kissing Bob on the cheek thinking everything they've gone through and where they are now. Then she starts singing along to the song.

Well kiss me, baby, ooh, feels good
Hold me, baby
Well, I'll still love you like a lover should
You're fine, so kind
Got to tell this world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine

I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
Real nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, drive me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire


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