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She steps inside expecting to be crushed into a hug but she isn't. The natural lighting lit the house with all the windows opened. She squints only seeing her siblings, nephew, and nieces out in the backyard.

Finley walks forward seeing dozens of photos laid out on the table. They're all displayed for those to see. She covers her mouth stifling an ugly sob.

The clicking of shoes distracts her from her racing mind. She slowly turns coming face to face with the brown-haired beauty she knows so well.

"Why didn't you tell me, mom?"

She sighs. Sarah pulls her daughter into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm so glad you're home." Her eyes zip shut trying to hold back the endless tears she knows would fall.

Sarah pulls away cupping her daughter's face. "Oh, he's so proud of you sweetheart."

"How long?" Sarah freezes. "How long does he have left?" Finley chokes out.

She strokes her hand with the pads of her fingers. "A week or two, give or take."

"You're... you're already planning for the funeral? Isn't there anything else that can be done?" Her mother shakes her head.

There's no number of words to explain the variety of emotions and words running through her head. Her heart feels like it could implode. She pulls at her formerly injured shoulder feeling the screws tug.

"I-I don't wanna lose him, mom."

She collapses to the ground letting out all her built-up emotions. Two pairs of arms wrap around her body. They hold her like she's as fragile as glass. She grips them tight letting the tears fall harder. She opens her eyes as her mother joins the embrace. They each hold each other tightly not wanting to let go.

Her energy runs low, her grip on their arms loosening. Her eyes slowly open again as her cries come to a sudden halt. As she looks up she sees her brothers, her blood brothers around her. Standing above them is her father.

Tom Kazansky frowns upon the sight. With limited speech, he gestures for her to follow him.

"I-I'm okay. I'm okay," she assures them.

She's confused, to say the least. Her father still acts as admiral even in their own home. Her brother Oaklynn who is supposed to be in another state is home. Dylan, the detective who was supposed to go back to San Diego. She didn't understand, but to be frank, she didn't care at the moment. Those questions could be answered later.

With help, she gets to her feet. She pays her brother's shoulders. Following her father, to his office, she pulls a chair up next to him.

She glances up at him, her eyes watering. She chokes out, "is this why I'm here? To say goodbye?"

He coughs a bit clearing his throat. "There's more here for you than being over there."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You're my dad. I think I deserved that right," she whispers the last part.

He runs a hand over her head, something he hasn't done since she was a child. A small smile spreads across his face. "You can't waste good. You're good."

"I don't want to say goodbye."

"I—" he coughs again, harsher. "I know. It'll be alright. Promise me something, Finley."


He hesitates for a moment glancing at his computer. He then decides to type it out: talk to Maverick.

She gives him one of her most notorious 'what the fuck' looks. "You know I can't promise that. He's had multiple chances to just tell us the truth but he didn't."

Untamed Flame || R. FloydWhere stories live. Discover now