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Yuri went to his room to change his clothes into his competition things

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Yuri went to his room to change his clothes into his competition things.
Lilia wa also in his room, doing his hair and talking with him.
Meanwhile I was waiting in my room so we can go together to the ice rink.

As yuri is finished we went to the ice rink and a warm up started.
The skaters went on ice and I sat on one of the chairs.
I watched them and as they finished we went with yuri in one of the private rooms.

Today yuri is the last one to skate so we watched the others.
"Be right back.", I said, as I walked out the room and to the hall with the ice.
I tried to find yuuri, but he found me first.

"Ugh, hoshi! I'm the first! Help me!", he mumbled in a loud voice, placing his hands on my shoulders.
"It will be OK. I will stay here and watch and cheer.", I said and smiled at him.
He smiled back and went on ice, as the moderator announced him.

I stood there, watching him doing his performance in a blue costume thing.
He was good, but not as good as yuri, the kitty.
Even the other skaters were good as well.

After yuuri's performance I went back to yuri and lilia.
"Now Otabek is skating and than it's your turn.", I said as  I entered the room.
"Good, let's go yuri.", lilia placed a hand on yuri's shoulder and both walked outside.

I followed them and we stood at the ice gang, as otabek was skating.
As the man ended his performance with an endpose, yuri took off his jacket.
He revealed a black costume with a black glove, he is wearing on his right hand.

"Have an eye on me.", he said and gave me the other glove, that I replaced with my glove I'm wearing right now.
"I will, kitty boy.", I whispered, as he skated to the middle.
He turned in my direction and gave me a small smile.

"Yuri plisetsky, 17 years. He got first place yesterday with his short program. The performance he his now showing us is written by hoshi baranovskaja, best female skate for three years in a row, now watching in the crowd. Yuri's song is called "seven nation army" and he represent his theme mighty. First jump is a tribble axle with double toe loop.", a moderator announced and the music started.
Yuri skated as well and did his first two jumps, that he stands.
He went one, raising his hands, as he jumped the next jump.

Today he jumped higher as every, as he lifted his hands up in the air.
He looked more concentrated as he did his spins and even smiled, when he saw me.
Everything was so smooth and it was reminding me of my performance I had a year ago.

My view started to be all fuzzy and I sink to the ground, holding with one hand the ice gang.
Please be careful.
Don't do the mistakes I did!

My head started to hurt and I just heard the music in the background.
I started to remember the day, I fell and lost my hand.
It is terrible.

Yuri is doing all he can.
He shows me how much he improved and that he can win.
That he will win and I'm sitting her on the ground getting flashbacks from a trauma or some shit.

I need to calm down.
For yuri, who is doing his best out there.
Calm down... for yuri.

As the music ended I stood up, looking at yuri, how he stands in his endposition, looking at me.
His glance looks a little bit worried and as he left the ice he went straight to me.
"Are you alright?", he asked with a worried look on his face.

"Oh, yeah. Are you worried about me, kitty boy?", I teased him as he looked down at me.
"Oh, shut up, крошка!"(shortie), he yelled and smiled relieved.
"Stop it~! I don't understand you.", I said and looked to the side.

 "That's the point.", he smiled and went over to the box, as he pulled me behind him.
We sat there and looked at the display, that's showing the scores of the skaters.
As yuri's score showed up, he pulled me in a warm hug and I hugged back.

He is on first place!
That's amazing!
I can't believe it!

After some things, that needed to be done, was the ceremony.
Yuri is standing on the highest podest, on second yuuri and third is chris.
Everybody was happy about the winners.

Some weeks passed and it was time for yuri's second competition,but this time in spain.
Also this one is the last one and if he get the first, he will be world champion his third year now.
As everybody packed their things, we went to the airport and on our seats in the plane.

Yuri sat next to me, looking at his phone and as he looked over to me he asked:" Since when can you russian?"
"What do you mean? Davai?", I asked back and looked at him confused, as he nod," Just standards. I also know how to cheer in other languages."
"Oh, okay.", he said and looked back on his phone.

As the plane landed, we went to take our suitcases and went outside.
Lilia called a taxi and the driver drove us to the hotel were we will stay.
The drive was silent and no one talked.

I entered with yuri on my side the hotel and immediately his fangirls started to scram things.
"What a handsome guy, but who is this?!" "What is this girl doing next to him?!"
 They said so many rude things in english and russian.

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