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Warning at the beginning there are mentions of blood at the beginning.

He stood there, the star on the end of his 'tail' glowed a soft orange hue as he stared out at the scene unfolding in front of him. Blood was splattered everywhere, another day at Fazbear. There's always something happening in this hell scape whether it be tax fraud or several incidents of children disappearing off the face of the planet. A sinister chuckle catching his attention. A moon themed jester came into sight, a red substance dripping from his clawed appendages as well as dripping down his once pristine face. Moon, that's what they called him.

Honestly the name itself sounded stupid and lacking in originality but what came you do when his blasted creator didn't even so much as give a though as to what monstrosity he had made. After all, he programmed the thing to practically have a code that would kill any living being who broke the 'rules'. He closed his optics for a moment, his arms behind his back as he thought for a moment. His thoughts raging in the back of his mind, tempting him to shout, to bark out insults towards the pathetic animatronic in front of him. Yet if he were to try, they'd be unheard.

His very being, seeming reliant on the never ending flame of hatred that brewed and stirred. After all, he was placed into this eternal hell due to another's actions. Heck he'd tried getting out the grave that others had pushed him into and now here he stood. Alone... voiceless and weak. Oh how he wished for some semblance of control that he'd never been granted.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts before watching neutrally as Moon (chuckling manically as he did so) removed of the body that lay there. Their face unrecognisable in the light of the room but then again that's just what every victim looks like. Just another corpse on Fazbear's already bloody hands. Just another lawsuit that would go no where as the families who suffer3 the consequences would weep.

Must be nice having someone care you you. He'd never gotten that, after all his family never gave a damn about him but merely cared about his golden boy of a brother. None of it was his fault, I mean some were just born luckier than others. He guessed that's what killed him in the end, wanting to prove himself to those who he'd been stuck with for decades. Yet someone had to just come along and screw him over as always.

Well, the more manipulative kind of beings. But even then if you're the on with power and believe that there's something right in this world... well you're clearly naïve. Then again its clear you haven't grown. Well in his opinion that is, maybe because every single person in his life has made him the bitter being he was today.

His expression turned sour as he gritted his teeth turning away from the scene and disappearing off into a wide expanse of emptiness, clouds swirling around him in a multitude of bright colours. If he were to walk too far he'd gathered that he'd enter the inner workings of two certain animatronics. The darkest of thoughts and memories a plenty being stored within.

Time skip

He awoke with a jolt, his head snapping up. Alert to his surroundings as he looked around. Nothing had changed yet he couldn't help the nagging feeling at the back of his mind that something was indeed... different. He hummed in thought tapping his chin for a moment, trying to figure out if he could recall anything that came to mind.

"Hello, Typhoon." A voice spoke from behind the animatronic who was met with a smaller, red tinged, draconic animatronic similar to himself.

However, his horns were curled back similar to that of rams horns his orange red tinged out shell was accented by this almost Geraldine colour. The mid tone of his shell, which was a mahogany, was overlaid by this dark red that was reminiscent of a red berry. His eyes being that of a vibrant red that darkened into this dark burgundy colour. A tail was curled up behind him with a half moon on the end appearing similar to the celestial moon themed animatronic.

"Ah." The blue tinged animatronic spoke. A British accent being prevalent as he spoke. "Hurricane, to what do I own this fine pleasure of seeing your face?" His expression was sharp as a forced smile came onto his face though it came out looking more like a sneer.

The animatronic known as Hurricane took a deep breath for a moment before hissing out, "Has anyone told you, your voice sounds like nails on chalk board."

The blue animatronic merely raised an eyebrow. "Trying to insult me now? If so, its not exactly the best one I've heard. Besides the yellow ball of anxiety would fit that description far better than I."

Hurricane grumbled, "You say that as though you talk to other. I am the only damn person, that knows you are still alive, Typhoon."

"Yes, I am aware of that fact Hurricane." Typhoon leaned forward so that he and Hurricane were at eye level. "But you do realise they'll eventually find out." He chuckles. 

Hurricane took a breath. "No. No, they won't." He turned away, walking over to a cube. "You're too much of a coward to do that. And a lunatic sure but your pride would never allow you to show yourself as being so weak."

Typhoon's expression turned sharp as his smile seemed force. "Is that so. Well then, need I remind you what you did for us to get here. Or are you trying to hide the fact you made a mistake, that you-"

"Would you shut the hell up." Hurricane snarled. "I almost feel bad for what I'm about to do but at this point, locking you away in here sounds preferable to continue these conversations of ours." Turning he placed his hand on the cube. "Hope you'll enjoy spending eternity in here." And with that he vanished.

For a moment everything was quiet... peaceful almost. Typhoon scoffed as he shook his head. 

"Yes, like he's capable of locking me away in here." He spoke walking towards the cube. "Besides I only took over the body once or twice." 

Within a moment he stood in front of the cube, the moment he touched it he felt this burning feeling arise in his hand causing him to pull away as he cried out in pain. 

"The hell." He gripped his left arm as he stared at the floating cube. His pupils becoming pinpricks as he breathed out. "What has he done?"

He stared at the thing which almost taunted him for even attempting to leave. He snarled. "He really believes he can leave me here to waste in this purgatory rip off." He gritted his teeth as he smiled with a malicious edge to it. "Well all I need is to wait because that damn thing won't hold forever. I'll make sure of that one you little-" 

He cut himself off taking a breath to calm down. "No, I won't stoop to you're leave. I never stoop down to those who are inferior to me." He glared at the thing keeping him in here before looking around the mind scape. "I may be a so called 'lunatic' to you but I am a patient man Hurricane and you should know that fact very well by now."

I new I wanted Typhoon to be locked away in the mindscape as last time I had Hurricane who had done nothing wrong at the time and did get a redemption arc later in the last version of this (Mind you I think it was poorly done). Any who, I hope you all have a good morning, afternoon, evening or night.

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