A Special Little Guy

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Gryphon was loving and patient with his family, but he was more than that. He was brave and bold, and never one to back away from a challenge.

He was a fluffy little guy with a poofy tail and droopy little puppy-dog ears. He had that typical, tiny little Shih Tzu snout and button nose. His fur was black and grey with white on his belly and around the nose. Gryphon had this cool black "racing stripe" that ran the length of his back, but the most special thing about him was his beautiful, soulful brown eyes. They conveyed an expressiveness that you wouldn't find in just any ordinary dog.

Gryphon lived in a very happy home with three children that he loved very much. His "Mommy" was a kind lady that looked after him better than anyone, and spoke to him in the sweetest voice. Often she would call out to him, "Gryphon, Mommy's calling"! He would always come running to her. It didn't matter what he was doing.

There were two boys in the home that loved to play with Gryphon all the time. They were always very gentle, and spoke to him with a special play voice that they saved just for him.

The little girl also loved to play with Gryphon, but she was a bit rougher than the boys. This was great too, at least when he was in the mood for it. Sometimes she was a bit pushy, and that frustrated Gryphon. Occasionally, he would have to let out a warning growl to tell her to settle down. He would never bite her of course, but he was a convincing little actor.

Of all the people at home, Gryphon was most obsessed with his "Daddy". A soft spoken giant of a man with a gentle touch, and a smooth easy way of speaking that he found so very comforting. When Daddy was home, Gryphon wanted to be on his lap, or curled up next to him by the fire. It was his happy place.

If Gryphon could change one thing about his Daddy though, he would ask him to be at home a lot more. Daddy had a busy career as a police officer, and he often worked very long hours.

Gryphon the Unlikely Little Police DogWhere stories live. Discover now