Let The Feist Begin

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She continued, her tone firm, "This is not a game, my lady. House Targaryen's legacy demands respect and vigilance. You should comport yourself accordingly, even at your tender age. Now, let us proceed to the feast with caution and awareness. Your safety, after all, is paramount, and House Targaryen does not take such matters lightly." The reminder of Thereya's royal lineage and the weight it carried hung in the air, urging a more serious acknowledgment of the responsibilities at hand.

Feeling the weight of Alicent's words and recognizing the gravity of her position, Princess Thereya nodded in understanding. Her playful demeanor softened, replaced by a more respectful acknowledgment of the situation. "You're right... " she conceded, a genuine expression of gratitude in her eyes. "I may be young, but I understand the responsibility that comes with being a part of this House."

She continued, "I appreciate your dedication to my safety, and I won't undermine the efforts of Ser Cole and the guards. Let us proceed with caution, and I'll heed your guidance. Thank you for looking out for me as if I were your own." The nod was a silent pledge, a sign that, despite her age, Thereya was willing to show the respect to her Queen.

Alicent's stern expression softened into a gentle smile as she looked down at Thereya, sensing the weight of the moment. Standing before the grand doors leading to the feast, Thereya took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her impending status as a Princess. The responsibility of her lineage and the expectations of the realm rested on her young shoulders.

In that moment, as the door loomed before them, Thereya embraced the reality of her heritage. The dragon's blood flowing through her veins held both power and burden. Despite the uncertainties that awaited her, she stood tall, ready to face the challenges that came with being a Targaryen.

Alicent, recognizing the mix of emotions in Thereya, offered a reassuring nod. The soft smile remained, a silent acknowledgment that they stood at the threshold of destiny.

The heavy doors swung open with a resounding creak as the guards, solemn and ceremonial, ushered Princess Thereya into the dining hall. One of the guards, holding a scroll, stepped forward, his voice projecting through the hall. "Announcing Thereya Targaryen, first of her name, Firstborn daughter of prince Daemon Targaryen, known as The Realm's Light, and The Targaryen Pearl!"

The words echoed in the grand hall, marking the entrance of the young Princess into the realm's consciousness. Thereya, head held high, walked gracefully toward the dining table. The eyes of the assembled court followed her every step, recognizing the weight of her lineage and the significance of her presence. As she took her place at the table, the air was charged with the anticipation of what lay ahead for the Targaryen pearl, now officially announced and acknowledged in the grandeur of the feast.

The dining hall exuded grandeur, its long table adorned with exquisite arrangements stretching through the entirety of the vast space. Thereya, the young Princess, found herself in a seat of honor between her father, Prince Daemon Targaryen, and Rhaenyra, a nexus of familial ties and royal prestige.

Across from Thereya, Aegon and Alicent were seated. Further down the table, the Velaryons, including Baela and Rhaena, added a touch of elegance to the gathering. Jace and Luke, positioned strategically. Finally at the very head of the table King Viserys himself took a seat.

The hall was alive with animated conversations, the clinking of fine goblets, and the murmurs of courtly affairs.

King Viserys, seated at the head of the grand table, raised his goblet, a commanding presence that drew the attention of all in the hall. A hush fell over the gathered nobility, and the vibrant hum of conversations ceased as the king prepared to speak.

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